Filtering gear, beginner questions

Got some gear the other day and saw a very small short hair floating in one of the vials and decided to look into filtering it

My first question is, would a 0.22um filter similar to a whatman that I get off amazon work well to filter absolutely everything if there is only a tiny bit of contamination like a hair or two or maybe just a small amount of floaters? Or would I need a 0.45um or something like that to filter through first before 0.22. Why or why not, can someone explain since I’m a bit new to filtering.

And second question I have, I’ve been told that putting two needles in, one empty unattached 25 gauge smaller needle into the new vial you will be pouring the filtered gear into, and then injecting the filtered gear into the vial while that empty needle is in as well, is a good idea to help with the displaced air from oil being poured into the vial, would you agree? Something like this, ignore my poor drawing skills

Third, what type of needle would work best for drawing the gear out to filter it, using a 10cc syringe, what gauge would you go with I never worked with 10cc syringes or extracting that much gear into a syringe so I’m curious.

My plan is to take the gear out with some sort of smaller gauge needle into a 10cc syringe, remove the needle attach an amazon filter like whatman and then attaach a 21 gauge to the end of the filter, put a 25 gauge needle to help air displacement in the sterile vial and then injet the gear into that new vial through the filter, then remove both and it should be good to go. I need these three questions above answered though.

If I saw this I would promptly throw it out or talk to whoever you got it from for a refund/replacement.
It’s contaminated. Test is cheap. The hospital is not!


.22 micron is fine. Guy I know that home brews regularly uses these

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Got the gear from QSC, they are not responding to my emails asking for a refund and to explain.

They also sent my t cyp with Tren H packaging, it looks like cyp and not tren and was crashed due to poor weather, but still I wonder if it was just a packaging fuck up or if there’s more to it

I’d be nervous taking anything that showed up with either of these issues.

Test really shouldn’t be crashing unless Prop.

A mix up in packaging is actually rather concerning, considering QSC does like a LOT of orders.

Damn test shouldn’t be crashing unless prop? Do you know why, this is the first time I heard this said.

I considered filtering an pinning a bit with an insulin syringe since it’s dissapointing I spent like 200cad for a 10x10 oil kit, but I see why that would be iffy. Do you think I should still go through with testing and pinning a bit?

Thanks for your reply

I know this wasn’t for me but I would def not pin it. If you went to dinner and there was a big hair in your food would you pick off the hair and eat it? This is 100 times worse.
I would never use that source again. Contaminated and mismarkes vials both in one order? Com’on man.
napsgear dot org is where you should be ordering from. Never had one issue with them. They also have very responsive customer service.
Throw it out!!