Filling Empty Vials?

hey guys i only can get test enantate 250 mg. i almost have to throw out half of it after injection. can i buy a steril vial and just fill all those ampulles into the vial? should be safe or not?
I even have an ugl vial almost empty could i also use this vial or better a new one?

Are you against pre filling you next syringe? What is your dosage each injection? You can get sterile vials online, its not an issue to transfer them.


Sounds like you’re doing 100 - 125mg per week?

Absolutely no problem to prefill your next syringe and keep that until the next injection is due.

They keep for for at least a couple of weeks under the right conditions.



Nothing to add different than what’s already posted.

Could do vials or just prefill your next injection; both would have the same end outcome.

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thanks guys. i am on road very often and better not having syringes around since i am on trt self prescribed.

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Got it. You can literally get sterile vials on Amazon. Once you have one, just use two needles. Put one syringeless needle in the stopper for air relief. Then you use the other syringe with needle to inject the oil into the vial. If its a small amount in a large vial you won’t need the air relief.


I use same vials i have used often up to 6 months if i get amps. I just dump em all in and use the old worn out vial. Been pinning shit for 10 years every other day, no problems.

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you mean i should put a needle into the stopper and with the other syringe with needle i inject the test into the vial? right?

you mean you use the same vial over and over? i was thinking about the same thing. why buying new one everytime.

Yes that is correct

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Many would yell that you can get infections and technically they would be right but the only infections i have gotten were from correct use of good vials and none from dumping amps into same vial for months…

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