Fertility on TRT with HCG

I have been on a continuous TRT of Test E at 120mg a week for a year with a month on Test Cyp inbetween. I am now trying to conceive with my wife with no luck. I have been taking HCG throughout the whole cycle at 1000iu a week and most recently had a week on HMG with no luck. How quickly will my fertility return with a month course of PCT or could I be infertile? (For whatever reason I cant reply)

TRT isn’t a cycle.

No one knows. Fertility tests show your sperm count and quality. Are you going to get one?

My doctor recommends people inform him six months before they plan to start trying for children.

1000 IU per week might not be enough for fertility. I needed 1000 thrice per week.

Do you have a doctor for this? Why would start TRT if you planned on stopping?

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You’re on TRT, a cycle is 500 mg per week.

Are you assuming it’s you that’s infertile and not your wife?

Did you get a sperm analysis?

FSH stimulates sperm production. Why don’t you add FSH to your TRT+hCG protocol if in fact you’re infertile?

As for how quickly will you become fertile, assuming you’re infertile, on TRT+hCG+FSH, 3-12 months.