Because I really don’t think she needs it (Methoxy-7). I tell you what, I am just now using Methoxy-7 (got my bottle yesterday). I’ve been making unbelievable gains with just protein powder, Surge and creatine. I don’t think Jocelin has a issue with lack of “tone” (sorry, T-Forumites for use of “tone”). Patricia
Jocelin (sorry for the misspelled name in my earlier post) Renegade training goes way beyond the physical aspects, there is a mental toughening too. So again I would recommend getting in touch with Coach Davies. regarding supplements, again use only what you can take to OCS training with you. Why use something that you come to rely on, only to lose whatever benefits were gained 2 weeks into training. It could prove demoralizing to be losing strength or find yourself suddenly in an overtrained state because you don’t have your recovery drink,or unable to get pumped because you left you power drive back at the bunker. Also chances are that the training you will be doing will be for more than 2 hours and it won’t be in the weight room. Coach Davies programs translate into the real world results. You may get great numbers in the weight room, but that doesn’t mean those results are a given to translate at par value in the field of combat. At least get in touch with and ask him if he thinks he can be of help to you.
End post.
Good luck and peace.
According to another post, she’s already taking Methoxy-7, which is why I didn’t bother recommending it. Also, she doesn’t need more muscle at this point.
Patricia, thanks for the back-up. And yes, in case I didn’t make it clear in my last post, I am definitely for taking at least half a week off before starting OCS.
Jocelin, you still out there? Let us know what you’re gonna do…
My advice to you is just stick to a good sound nutrition plan. Healthy foods with alot of proteins and carbs. I was a Navy Seal and started my training 6 months before hand. Took all kind of supplements and thermogenics to help with recovery and energy. Just remember this take anything that you will be allowed to continue to take while in OCS. The downfall I had was coming off these supplements. Hit me hard. Good luck and congrats on your acceptance.
Ok. So am I to understand that i should stay away from the supplementation side of the training as it will actually hurt my performance once I go to OCS and I am unable to use them? Should I just continue with a regular training schedule and maybe start the supplement cycle AFTER OCS? It is just hard for me to comprehend. I have been an “athlete” all my life and I have been waiting for something that would help me talk that next step up. Then I came accross Biotest and they have the best stuff out there! You can see why I want to use their products right? However, as much as I want that extra edge, I need to make sure that I do everything correctly from now until I finish my OCS training. It is WAY too important to me to risk doing something wrong. This is why I ask the things I do. The more help I can get, the better off I will be. All of your responses have been great. Thank you all!!
Hey, wait I DID suggest Methoxy-7. I’ll repeat: NOT for the thermogenics but the protein synthesis. Uh - like the long days are starting to affect my brain in a really bad way. Anyways - char: Jocelin, from what I gather, is not taking Methoxy-7 now. I had suggested it in my first post.
But I can really say, that after reading this thread through, she would do just fine with Surge, protein powder and creatine. Jocelin: if you've never taken supplements (stronger than Vitamins), before - than these three will definitely make a huge difference in your performance. And if you haven't yet, read Chris Shugart's article, "Heirarchy of Needs". That'll help you understand the importance of diet/nutrition FIRST (supplements last).
Ok. I am thoroughly confused now. Should I use the Methoxy 7, Grow, Power Drive, Creatine, Surge…??? Or will it just hamper my performance when I go to OCS and do not have it? That is my question.
Grow you probably would not miss other than the ease of it, provided you get enough food/protein in you. If while at training you get considerably less protein, then you may experience strength decreases. Surge you may miss, but you may be able to use cryotherapy in its place. Power drive, you may miss if you get used to the rev it gives you, and you associate that with “getting your mean on”. Methoxy-7 really helps with nitrogen retention if I remember right, so again you may have some strength decrease if it becomes unavailable. The strength gained from creatine will be gone when it becomes unavailable. Find out what you can use at OCS, and use that. I would start with Surge for recovery. You should be able to get plenty of protein from whole foods at least 1gram per pound of body weight. I’m not against supplements but they are that, supplements. You need to train for a unique situation, and you need to have as few crutches as possible, so you’re not having to readjust mentally to body/strength changes.
Peace, Tmofa
When I was doing meltdown training, I substituted HIIT (high intensity interval training) on an elliptical trainer for the jump rope part of the workout. I could not believe how much my endurance improved. If you can add HIIT in place of any aerobic workout, I say do it. Just make sure you don?t burn out before OCS.
Don’t get sucked in by being “in the best shape of your life”. Find out how and what they test you on and drill those to near death. SPECIFICITY AND SURVIVAL!
Jocelin, You are really confused aren’t you? You don’t have to take any advice just do what you think is right. I know for a fact that you can’t take any of these supplements while at OCS. If your caught, your out. Don’t worry they will feed you very healthy and it won’t be that hard if you have been and shape for any amount of time. Sounds to me like it will be a walk in the park physically for you. No mentally that’s a different story. I would worry more about this than if you can physically take the punishment your about to have. I have known alot of sorry ass OCS grads in my time and most of them shouldn’t even made it past the third week. And I’m all in favor of taking supplements but remember, there’s a time and place to take them and I believe this isn’t the right time for you now. Once again good luck. And remember this I’ts all about mental conditioning as well as physical. Class of 273
Jocelin, it would help if we knew what you’re going to be allowed to have in OCS and what you’re not. If you can pack a can of Grow! in with you (or have it sent to you once you’re in), then great. You should get on it now and continue while in. If not, then there are some supps I would still advise you to take before OCS and some that I wouldn’t.
Also, one other thing to consider is that - unless I’m WAY off here - you will not be able to eat six times a day while in OCS. That being the case, I would start getting myself ready for three-time-a-day feedings at least a month in advance. The timing of your food intake is gonig to play more havoc with your system/mental acuity than anything else, especially if you have any insulin issues.
Ah, Jocelin, and there you have the rub of a forum like this. While yes, there are knowledgable people here, the one thing you have not really fully realized is that many of us have basically just gone and used ourselves as guinea pigs. We’ve tried many a program and diet. I understand you have what, five, six weeks only and you want to know NOW what you should do. And the time for experimentation is not available to you.
I tell you what, print this thread out. Simplify the info here into a list. What were the primary supplements that were consistently suggested? Grow (or a good protein powder) seems to be the overwhelming fave of supps here. Followed by Surge. Next is training: I liked the suggestion of 5x5 for 2 1/2 weeks followed by Meltdown I. And to also begin training at the times similar to when you're in OCS.
We can't create a nice little outline for you as to what exactly you need to do. We can only suggest according to the info you provide the forum. It's up to you to fit what best suits YOUR needs into a schedule and follow it. There is no such thing as the BEST way, or BEST diet. It's only BEST to how it fits/suits the needs of the individual. I certainly hoped this helps.
Jocelin, your suggestion to not take the supplements until you are in training sounds great. In fact it is an ideal time to begin takeing them. I suggest three days off and loading on your choice of those supplements during those three days prior to going in. That will in fact give you an edge… while you are there.
Again, thanks to all of you. patricia, you truly are a wonderful person. i really appreciate all the time and effort you have put into my post. I will follow your advice, and print this out. It looks like I will be going with the 5X5 training for 3 weeks, and the focusing on the intervals in which they will be testing me on at OCS. I will also be using the Grow MRP, and the Surge. Thanks to all of you, I do feel that I have more insight.