I started a cycle of test ethanate almost a week ago, injecting 200mg on Sunday morning and then again Wednesday night. Since then I have been very fatigued, my blood pressure has gone up and I have headaches off and on.
My trainer and everyone I know who has experience with this is reassuring me that I’m taking the lowest level to see any kind of results and that I’m fine, but I definitely don’t feel fine. Is it normal to feel this way at first or is something seriously wrong? I’m contemplating just stopping altogether before I get to far into it. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Sometimes your body will disagree with the solvets/chemicals used to produce the test.
You will feel like crap. It’s called test flue.
You could also be just experiencing bad feelings from the hormonal change in your body.
I’ve seen both situations.
How much has BP gone up? Do you have any adema?
If it doesn’t get better you could try using a different brand of test or a different ester.
Or you could just stop.
Test Flu sounds pretty bang on… I’ve literally been saying I feel like I have the flu. Nobody I know that has done the same cycle has experienced it though and they all say I’m crazy and that I should feel like a Greek god. Today is a little better but I’m still a little tired/foggy. I just took my bp and its 138/84. Its been hovering around that, sometimes a little lower sometimes a little higher. I havent had any edema but I’ve felt tension in my neck/head that could be swelling I’m not sure it comes and goes. I have to take my next dose tomorrow morning and I’m dreading it tbh. I dont want to stop but I dont want to keep going a it be too late to stop. I have PCT I can start taking but would I need to take it after only a week on cycle?
I would decide today. If you stop now you won’t need to pct after just one injection. Even if you do another one you will be fine with no pct.
See how you feel. You could always get different test.
Thanks man I appreciate it. I think I’m going to stay the course. If I still feel like garbage in a couple weeks I guess ill just stop and take the PCT after a week.