Feel the High-Performance Pump

by TC Luoma

Boost Work Capacity, Recovery, and Muscle Gains

Experience a reactive pump. Crush any workout. Push harder, recover faster, and come back bigger, stronger, and ready for more. Here's how.

The limiting factor in anyone’s training is recovery. You simply can’t push the body past where it begins to break down without consequences. Working out past this point would just leave you too beat up to train the next day or two.

You could get all brave and go to the gym anyway, but, at best, you’d just have a crappy workout. At worse, you’d dig yourself into a recovery hole and begin to lose muscle.

Enter the workout formula, Plazma Reactive Pump. It stuffs your muscles with exotic functional carbohydrates, highly structuralized di- and tri-peptides, and research-proven (legal) ergogenic aids so that you become, well, unbreakable.

Quickly you find you can train hard six days a week. Extended sets, cluster sets, drop sets, and forced reps don’t faze you. You no longer get sore, and you come back stronger each day.

We’ve tested in on everyone from pro bodybuilders and professional athletes to actors preparing for movie roles and regular lifters who like to push their limits.

So what exactly is in this stuff?

Why Plazma Works So Well

If you look at its ingredient list, the first thing you see is “nutrient partitioning functional carbohydrates.” Maybe you think, “Oh, carbs. Big deal.” But if you do, you’d be giving these particular carbohydrates short shrift.

First things first, contrary to what the keto cult believes, carbs are your muscle’s preferred form of fuel. Without them, particularly before, during, and after training, your muscles won’t grow.

The trouble is, most solutions that contain ordinary carbs like maltodextrin have a high osmolality. That means it leaves the stomach slowly. Contrast that with low osmolality carbohydrate solutions that travel rapidly through the stomach to the small intestine, where they’re quickly broken down into glucose.

The latter is exactly what you want for training, and nothing fits the bill better than highly branched cyclic dextrin, which is a main component of Plazma.

In addition to being absorbed and put to work quickly, its unique molecular shape allows it to bind to amino acids, making it the perfect delivery system for the di- and tri-peptide proteins that are part of the Plazma formulation.

But highly-branched cyclic dextrins aren’t the only “magical” carbs in the Plazma formulation – it also contains something called isomaltulose (Palatinose), which is derived from beet juice. It’s another great functional carbohydrate that causes the body to oxidize fat at a greater rate, thus improving endurance and athletic performance.

Studies on both it and highly-branched cyclic dextrin have shown it to result in quicker times (for endurance athletes), lower perceived exertion, and reductions in stress response.

Okay, What Else You Got?

Plazma isn’t just a combination of super sophisticated carbohydrates designed to give you the pump of your life. It also contains the aforementioned di- and tri-peptides hydrolyzed from casein. This is important because the digestive system doesn’t need to break down peptides that are smaller than four linked amino acids.

That means these small peptides are thus able to slip in, all sneaky-like, without bothering with all that dreary digestion stuff. They slip right through the intestinal wall where, in the case of Plazma, they’re also aided by those highly branched cyclic dextrins, which, because of their cage-like shape, bind to or “entrap” some of these di- and tri-peptides.

They’re then ferried to muscle cells where they quickly initiate muscle protein synthesis. That, in essence, is what gives you the skin-splitting pump that Biotest calls “the reactive pump.” In literal terms, the muscle has been “force-fed” a huge bolus of protein and carbohydrates, allowing it to perform better and recover much, much faster.

As far as improving workout endurance, those functional carbs go a long way in allowing you to work out harder and longer, but Plazma takes it a couple of steps further by including two well-known and well-studied ergogenic supplements:

  1. Betaine Anhydrous – Research shows that supplementing with this natural compound not only increases endurance and workout volume but also increases muscle mass and improves body comp.
  2. L-Citrulline – Multiple studies have shown that supplementing with this amino acid increases endurance and reduces soreness. One study, in particular, showed that it reduced soreness by an impressive 40% over placebo, which is a big deal.
  3. Electrolytes – Lastly, Plazma contains a robust blend of electrolytes, which are an absolute necessity when you’re working out Plazma-hard, especially in hot weather where you sweat like a farm animal. These electrolytes (potassium, sodium, magnesium) are critical in allowing the cells to generate energy (e.g., contract muscles, move water and fluids to different parts of the body, etc.).

How To Use Plazma

  • For most workouts, consume 2 servings (130 g) mixed in 1000 mL of water.
  • For maximum effect, preload the formula nutrients by drinking 250 mL (1/2 dose) 15 minutes before training.
  • Consume the remaining over the duration of the workout.




  1. König D et al. Substrate Utilization and Cycling Performance Following Palatinose Ingestion: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2016 Jul;8(7):390.
  2. Cholewa JM et al. Effects of betaine on body composition, performance, and homocysteine thiolactone. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013; 10: 39.
  3. Perez-Guisado J et al. Citrulline Malate Enhances Athletic Anaerobic Performance and Relieves Muscle Soreness. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 May;24(5):1215-22.
  4. Furuyashiki T et al. Effects of ingesting highly branched cyclic dextrin during endurance exercise on rating of perceived exertion and blood components associated with energy metabolism. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2014;78(12):2117-9.
  5. Takii H et al. Fluids containing a highly branched cyclic dextrin influence the gastric emptying rate. Int J Sports Med. 2005 May;26(4):314-9.
  6. Thompson RL et al. Protein Hydrosylates and Tissue Repair. Nutr Res Rev. 2011 Dec;24(2):191-7.

Happy to try it if there is a $ back guarantee.

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Hi TC, enjoy your articles. Can you (T Nation) explain when it is appropriate to use Plazma vs the new super duper Surge Workout Fuel?

I’ll admit, the line between them has grown narrower, but essentially, Plazma increases work capacity and supplies protein directly to the muscle (courtesy of the pump), while Surge Workout Fuel is primarily about supercharging your workouts, delaying fatigue, and making it highly unlikely you’ll “break” (while also supplying a bit of muscle-building power in the form of leucine). Hope that helps some. (Thanks!)

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