I’m taking the following supplements and would like to get some feedback on what I should be doing different (if anything):
GNC Mega Men Sport Multi Vitamin
Biotest Surge Recovery (during and after workout)
Biotest BCAA throughout the day between meals and before bed.
Biotest Flameout (recommended use)
Biotest Micronized German Creatine (recommended use)
I am on a 5 day on 2 day off workout schedule. I am looking to bulk up with some rigurous workouts. I don’t know if I should be taking any or all of these on the weekend when I have my 2 days off. Although I still do cardio on weekends.
Can you guys give me some advice or feedback if this is a good start? Am I missing anything that would be important?
How does your diet look? If you are looking to bulk up, why the cardio on weekends? What is your height and weight? How long have you been working out?
I am 189 lbs 5’11. I am doing cardio for the cardiovascular benefits and endurance. I try not to overdo it. Has anyone taken the Biotest Micronized German Creatine? I’m tyring to figure out why this stuff is only 13$!
As far as diet, I eat 3-4 big meals a day with 3-5 servings of vegitables and fruits. I make sure to get as much protein and carbs as possible. If I have to I grab a protein bar in between meals if I am craving a snack. Also been drinking close to 100 oz. of water a day, about 9 - 12 cups. Thanks again for your response.
Yes many of us take Biotest creatine and the reason its $13 is well its friggin creatine and a good deal they arent trying to ride the band wagon of the Next greatest creatine CEEK12orst. and over pricing something with the uber new cool delivery system which consist of overpriced Sugar