Who is your favorite author(s) and book(s)? I was just curious to see what the T men and women are reading, and maybe learn about a good book or author I hadn’t heard of or read.
A few of my favorites:
Tom Robbins “Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
Clive Barker “Imajika”
Ernest Hemingway - all of his works
Neil Peart - “Ghost Rider”
It’s amazing how much this book can apply to almost any aspect of life. It’s also a great insight into why we’re looking like such jack-asses in Iraq…let the soldiers fight and stop letting the politicians run a P.C. war.
Dostoyevsky - esp. Brothers K. and Crime and Punishment
Julio Cortazar - Rayuela
Milan Kundera - Immortality
Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus (collected works)
Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Proust - In Search of Lost Time (take a summer to read this epic - possibly the greatest novel ever written)
James Joyce - Ulysses
Yukio Mishima - Death in Midsummer and other stories - (this guy was hardcore - there’s an essay out there about this author written by Henry Rollins which is bad ass - the first “T-author” the guy was big time into lifting and kendo)
[quote]JDREDD wrote:
Who is your favorite author(s) and book(s)? I was just curious to see what the T men and women are reading, and maybe learn about a good book or author I hadn’t heard of or read.
A few of my favorites:
Tom Robbins “Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
Clive Barker “Imajika”
Ernest Hemingway - all of his works
Neil Peart - “Ghost Rider”
Stephen King…all stories…except the new one about the red sox
Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, is the greatest book of all time. I think every T-man or woman should read it. On a different note, Hemingway is brilliant, especially A Farewell to Arms. And Michael Connelly’s books, especially the Harry Bosch ones, are T-Nation material too.
Favorites are tough to pick out as it just depends on the mood…
Clive Barker is always a good read (Weaveworld one of my preferences) for fantasy
Rick Moody - most people liked The Ice Storm, I prefered Purple America
Andrew Klavan is good for some light reading, try Dynamite Road or True Crime
Alan Moore is such a good writer of graphic novels that he makes most popular novelists look like hacks.
Brian Greene is probably the best writer of ‘science for the layman’. My wife even liked The Elegant Universe and she doesn’t care for science at all.
I have many others to bring up but I’ll just skip to the end…
Best book I’ve read in the last 3 years is The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte. Its a mystery in a similar vein (sort of) as the Davinci Code and it makes it clear that Dan Brown has the writing skill of a fourth grader (I really hated that freakin book, not for the religion but for the sheer stupidity).
Most important book I’ve ever read… Newton’s Pricipia. Probably the most influencial non-religous texts ever written.
Oh yeah, I try to read holy books in my spare time.