Fav/Least Fav Xmas Songs?

My favorite is Dominick The Donkey (The Italian Christmas Donkey) mostly because my grandfather loved it and it brings back fond memories of him.

If you’ve never heard it…


My least favorite is Jingle Bells because I had to sing it EVERY FRIGGIN year in grammar school.

I really don’t have any particular favorites but there is one that I loathe with a passion and I am sure I will hear it at least 700 times this holiday season. It’s by Pual McCartney’s other band, Wings. I don’t no the title of it exactly but the chorus is “Simply havin a wonderful christmas time!” I’m sure there are others besides me have heard this abortion of a song.

[quote]jakewnet44 wrote:
I really don’t have any particular favorites but there is one that I loathe with a passion and I am sure I will hear it at least 700 times this holiday season. It’s by Pual McCartney’s other band, Wings. I don’t no the title of it exactly but the chorus is “Simply havin a wonderful christmas time!” I’m sure there are others besides me have heard this abortion of a song.[/quote]


Simply a horrid song.

My favorites are older clssics,
“The Christams Song” by Nat King Cole,
“Rudolph” by Gene Autry,
“White Christmas” by Bing Crosby

and the Christmas trilogy of the Trans-Siberian orchestra.


Pogues–Fairytale of New York
Various performers–Santa Baby

Despise and makes me want to dig my ear drums out with spork:

Barbara Streisand’s jazzy version of Jingle Bells.

“Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jing jangle
Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jing jangle
Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jing jangle
Jingle bells, Jingle bells Jing jangle
JJJJJJJingle bells, JJJJJJangle bells”


Ultra all time fave:

Baby Please Come Home


Any of that holiday crap Manheim Steamroller churns out.


Run DMC - Crimmis in Hollis bitches!!

I pretty much hate everything else.

i may love the kinks more than any other band.

father christmas

When I was small I believed in santa claus
Though I knew it was my dad
And I would hang up my stocking at christmas
Open my presents and I’d be glad

But the last time I played father christmas
I stood outside a department store
A gang of kids came over and mugged me
And knocked my reindeer to the floor

They said:
Father christmas, give us some money
Don’t mess around with those silly toys.
We’ll beat you up if you don’t hand it over
We want your bread so don’t make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

Don’t give my brother a steve austin outfit
Don’t give my sister a cuddly toy
We don’t want a jigsaw or monopoly money
We only want the real mccoy

Father christmas, give us some money
We’ll beat you up if you make us annoyed
Father christmas, give us some money
Don?t mess around with those silly toys

But give my daddy a job 'cause he needs one
He’s got lots of mouths to feed
But if you’ve got one, I’ll have a machine gun
So I can scare all the kids down the street

Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
We’ll beat you up if you don’t hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

Have yourself a merry merry christmas
Have yourself a good time
But remember the kids who got nothin’
While you’re drinkin’ down your wine

Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
We’ll beat you up if you don’t hand it over
We want your bread, so don’t make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

disk 2, track 4, Christmas Song, Live at Luther College, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds.

im gonna hafta dig the tablature up again.

Good Xmas Music:

Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

Bob & Doug Mackenzie’s 12 Days of Xmas

that Snoopy & the Red Baron one

Santa Claus You C**t by Kevin Bloody Wilson

Bad Xmas Music: Everything else

EDIT: How could I forget the best one of all, Christmas Time in Hell from South Park?


Not sure about my favorite Christmas song, but my most hated song is Feliz Navidad.

My first year spanish teacher in high school made us sing that song nearly everyday for a month. He was a real sadistic bastard.

I now hate all of them. Way too played out and cliche.


  1. Anything by the Rat Pack
  2. You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch
  3. Holly Jolly Christmas, Burl ives
  4. Santa Bring My Baby Back, Elvis
  5. Peace On Earth/little Drummer Boy

Not so hot

  1. Santa Baby, MADONNA
    (All the T-vixens will disagree with this one)

[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
I now hate all of them. Way too played out and cliche.[/quote]

“BAH, HUMBUG”, Scrooge!



[quote]Mufasa wrote:
I now hate all of them. Way too played out and cliche.

“BAH, HUMBUG”, Scrooge!



After working 4 years retail sales, I will never miss anything having to do with Christmas. I was innundated by the music for an entire month at a time each of the years. Now it is a annoyance. Sorry, Christmas music sucks!

Beach Boys or the Eagles song. Not sure of names and We Three Kings when sung by a choir.

otherwise I cant stand the rest!

Fav: None

Least fav: All

Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas and it’s my favorite holiday. I just don’t get that fake smile, cheery crap that we’re supposed to listen to to get into the spirit.

I can’t believe I am actually writing this, but… I really do like Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You”.

I might need to hand in my T-Nation membership card now.

[quote]doogie wrote:
http://www.trans-siberian.com/index-main.php [/quote]

TSO is pretty fucking metal. That’s Christmas music with some balls.

[quote]analog_kid wrote:

Run DMC - Crimmis in Hollis bitches!!

I pretty much hate everything else.


It’s Christmas time in Hollis, Queens
Moms cookin chicken and collard greens

That has to be my favorite x-mas song.