Hello and great day to all. I’ve been struggling with low testosterone test since January 2017. Dr recommend compound testosterone cream 75 mg a day. I decided not to take it and in June 2017 was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. I’ve been on cpap faithfully for 7 months . Testosterone has went from 200 to 343 in this time. I’m 37 ,276 lbs no fast food. Over weight . Very fatigue wondering if this could be from my testosterone? Next to no performance. I go for a second opinion this week and more blood work.
March 2018 blood work was. SHBG 32.7. prolactin 6.0. LH 4.2 FISH 3.9. ferritin 195. Estradiol 26. PSA 0.496. % of free testosterone 2.99. Testosterone free 10.26. Testosterone 343. Don’t want to start testosterone if I don’t have too. Can someone please recommend other test I may ask my doctor to order ? And do my past test results really point me in that direction or possible something other. Thanks .
Sodium- 139 range 136-145
Potassium- 4.1 range 3.5- 5.1
Chloride- 107 range 98-107
co2-26 range - 21-32
Glucose-75 range 74-106
Calcium- 9.0 range -8.5-10.1
Creatinine-0.86 range 0.67-1.17
Bun-15 range 7-18
Albumin- 4.1 range 3.5-5.0
Total protein- 7.2 range 6.4-8.2
Sgpt- (alt)- 28 range 16-61
Sgot-(ast) 14 range 15-37
Bilirubin- 0.4 range 0.2- 1.0
Alkaline phosphate-72 range 45-117
Ag ratio 1.3 to range 1.4-1.6
Bun/ creatine 17.4
Globulin serum 3.1
Anion gap 10.1
Estradiol 29 range 8-43
Shbg 32.6 range 16.5- 55.9
PSA - 0.496
Prolactin 6.0
Lh- 4.2 range 1.2-10.6
Fsh- 3.9 range 0.7-10.8
Ferritin 193 range 26- 378
Undescended testicle that was removed at childhood.
Diagnosed Hypogonadism