Sorry for starting another thread; My last one is so cluttered and I feel it would generate a lot of off-topic discussion that would be counter-productive. (As well as a couple pages of petty arguing which makes it hard to scroll through to find info.) I promise this is my New, Ongoing, and Final Case-File Thread - I won’t start another one after this!
I have been on TRT since December of 2011, and I was 28 years old at the time. My main problems were fatigue, depression, lack of sex-drive, weight gain completely in the “love handles”, and inability to gain muscle/burn fat effectively. I had all (majority of) the appropriate labs listed in the Stickies to rule out anything else that could be causing these symptoms and, aside from slightly-over-range LH and FSH, everything was fine. Given that I had had testicular cancer 3 years prior (orchiectomy - no chemo), and TT score of 285ng/dL (250+), FT score of 60pg/mL (47-244) [1.5% Free T - Range: 1.6-2.9%] as well as the high LH and FSH, I was diagnosed with Primary Hypogonadism.
CURRENT PROTOCOL: 200mg/wk split in two, 1mg of Adex split in four, and 250iu hCG EOD. I started at 100mg/wk but progressively raised the dose (25mg bumps after a few weeks of trying the previous dose) to address the symptoms that hadn’t gone away. There was a brief period after I got my dosing dialed-in where I felt GREAT, slept really well even without medication(!) something that hadn’t happened for years, and was actually able to be really active again - lifting weights and doing lots of yard-work - for the first time in years.
So basically I felt what I assume would be considered “normal” for about three months before I started having progressively more and more “down” days in terms of energy/fatigue. Since then I have been testing anything and everything and haven’t been able to figure this out.
CURRENT SYMPTOMS: Fatigue/Exhaustion/Always Tired or “Drained”; Weakness; Sleep Problems: Trouble Falling Asleep, Trouble Staying Asleep, Waking Up Un-Refreshed, Impossible To Sleep Without Melatonin/Other Sleep Aides, Always Tired But Can’t Rest; Fat Storage Entirely Around Midsection (“Love Handles” Again!); Mood Issues**: Irritability, Depression, Anxiety, Over-Reacting to Upsetting Situations, Lack of Motivation, and Difficulty Coping with Stressors; Sex Drive Has Taken a Hit; Cold Feet (have to wear socks all the time!) and Sometimes Cold Hands; Sensitivity to Heat (but that’s always been there - I have, as long as I can recall, hated hot weather/not having AC); Eyes Have Sensitivity to Sun Light (possibly brought about via concussion** 11 years ago when I was hit by a drunk driver and I have light-colored eyes which doesn’t help either); Hypertension: BP is consistently higher than 140/95 even though I am on Cozaar; And, most annoying of all TACHYCARDIA! My heart-rate is consistently over 100bpm, even in the morning.
For several weeks I reduced my T dose to 120mg/wk (60mg x 2) to see if that would change any of the sleep or anxiety issues, but it didn’t and, even though I am insanely fatigued at this point, bringing my dose down made it to where I was even worse off, and didn’t even have the energy to shower or cook.
- I have been taking my fasting and post-meal blood-glucose levels several times the last several months (father-in-law has a meter) and they always come back fine: Fasting (first thing in the AM) is usually in the low 80s and post-meal depends on the food I ate, but it never goes anywhere near the 140-150 mark.
** I have had depression/anxiety problems since mid-teens and benzodiazepines, though they used to work really well, don’t do ANYTHING these past few months. My current anti-depressant doesn’t seem to be working either, but the depression I feel now is far different that the depression that got me on the medication in the first place.
*** Several brain images (CT/MRI) have been taken since, and there was/is no damage. I have also had an MRI as recent as 2 years ago that found no lingering trauma, or tumors for that matter - It was done as part of a screening process for a clinical trial I was participating in, so they make sure there’s nothing wrong before the trial starts that could skew the data.
I have had the following tests and procedures over the past few months to try and get to the bottom of this (I’ll post full labs below, this is just the synopsis):
Sleep Study - Came back normal; No Apnea, no Hypopnea, very minor snoring, just that I am on the low end of time spent in REM sleep and that I spent most of my sleeping time in the higher stages. I have been a life-long light sleeper: I have tried every sleep medication (on and off label) as well as every herbal/OTC sleep aid on the market to try and help my sleep. Melatonin and Benadryl are the only things that will help me “sleep”; I fall asleep, sometimes stay asleep, but don’t wake up rested, and usually groggy from the drugs.
Ferritin levels were on the low side, but in range, so I had an Iron Infusion done two months ago. Follow-Up level-check in a month.
Vitamin D was at 17, but now is 66.
B12 injection just for the hell of it
Several Labs (see below)
I was prescribed Adderall before I found out I had low T to address the fatigue issue. I stopped taking it for those few months I was feeling great, started taking it here-and0there as the fatigue got worse, and started taking it again almost every day when the fatigue was at it’s worst again. Only this time it doesn’t work like it used to. I used to be able to take it and get a lot of physical stuff done, but all it does for me now is kill my appetite and gives a minor boost. Given such little benefit, I rarely take it any more.
- I did a digestive support/cleanse with probiotics, digestive enzymes, CoQ10, Glutamine, and a few other things.
Recent labs:
Cortisol labs have been really odd but my doc thinks I’m fine despite some evidence to the contrary (Taken Over The Last 3 Weeks).
24hr Saliva Cortisol Results (Pharmasan Labs):
Wake Up 10:27am: 3.9ng/mL (7.0-10.0)
Test 2 3:17pm: 0.9ng/mL (3.0-6.0)
Test 3 8:39pm: 1.0ng/mL (2.0-4.0)
Test 4 1:19am: 1.3ng/mL (<1.5)
This followed my normal daily wake/sleep cycle.
Also in this Saliva test was DHEA 180.6pg/mL (63.0-644.0). My DHEA blood test taken on 6/21/12 was 308ng/dL (61-1636). Not sure how Saliva test compares to blood test for this. An important note: This testing was administered from a mail-in lab called Pharmasan Labs, and I know nothing about them aside from the fact that they are the kind of lab that does urine neurotransmitter testing (whose science is questionable), and after your labs are taken they recommend Supplement Blends that “correct” your problems. This kind of makes me wonder how legit their testing procedures are: I’m always skeptical of places who test AND offer stuff to buy based on results.
24hr Urine (Quest Labs):
Total Volume: 1856mL
Cortisol, Urine: 7.0mcg (4.0-50.0)
Creatine, Urine: 2.32g (.63-2.50)
Cortisol Blood-work (Quest Labs):
Plasma ACTH: 30pg/mL (6-50)
Serum Cortisol 8am: 21.9 mcg/dL (2.0-22.0)
So basically two of those tests show I’m Cortisol insufficient, and three say I’m fine. My doctor said that the blood work is the “gold standard” (which I feel Saliva is much more useful information) and that the saliva and urine tests should basically be ignored (I disagreed and he didn’t care =/). I don’t know what to make of this, and whether he’s right to think that everything is fine with my adrenals.
Assuming there’s actually something going on in there that should warrant further investigation. I wanted to do the ACTH Stim test, but: 1) My insurance won’t cover the prescription. One of the doctors at the clinic gave me a prescription for it ahead of time in case my doc wanted to do the test at the appointment I had today, which leads to: 2) My doctor doesn’t feel my test results warrant further investigation - he feels everything is fine.
[You can ignore this paragraph if you want because I’m just going to be bitching and there’s nothing really about my health or labs: I’m really pissed that I have symptoms that are confirmed by the Saliva test and kind of by the Urine test, but because three tests say otherwise he says, “Everything is fine”, ignoring the fact that I have SYMPTOMS of something! On top of that, when I asked “So then how do we explain my symptoms? Where do we go from here?” To which he responded, “If you disagree with my diagnosis you’re more than welcome to see another doctor”.
I said, “I don’t necessarily disagree with your assessment, but you aren’t offering any solutions, just saying ‘your labs are fine, therefore there’s nothing wrong’”. It’s really odd because he used to be a great doctor for TRT [Diabetic Specialist though], and I figured he would at least offer some sort of game-plan for further testing of SOMETHING, instead of saying ‘labs are fine, so nothing’s wrong’. He’s the only doctor I’ve seen that doses testosterone based mostly on symptoms and has no problem increasing doses if it will help the symptoms and not make your labs too crazy! He’s retiring soon, so I think he has one foot out the door and doesn’t give a fuck anymore.]
Here are my other labs from the past several months (dates in parentheses), going from most current (the Adrenal tests listed above), all the way back to the labs taken after starting TRT, but just as the fatigue problem came back. All Labs are either Quest, or a Local Lab chain.
CBC and Testicular Cancer Markers, all of which came back clear (so I won’t waste either of our time by typing it all out, unless you all feel it would be helpful) aside from RDW that was slightly above range, which my Oncologist felt was probably caused by my Iron Deficiency. This led me to get the Iron Infusion. Follow-Up on this is scheduled for next month.
Pregnenolone: 62ng/dL (13-208)
Vit-D, 25-OH: 66ng/mL (30-100)
DHEA: 308ng/dL (61-1636) [Not the DHEA-S test as the Sticky recommends. Not sure why I did it this way]
Ferritin: 21ng/mL (20-345) [Taken Before Iron Infusion]
Estradiol: 22pg/mL (<39)
Progesterone: 0.5ng/mL (<1.4)
Vitamin B12: 653pg/mL (200-1100) [Taken Before B12 injection]
PSA: 0.7ng/mL (<4.0)
Free T3: 4.3pg/mL (2.3-4.2)
Free T4: 1.5ng/dL (.8-1.8)
Total T3: 142ng/dL (76-181)
TSH: 1.79mIU/L (.4-4.50)
Estradiol: 21pg/mL (<39) [This was first lab after starting Adex]
Total T: 1425ng/dL (250-1200) [Taken around Peak - Couldn’t work time-frame to get it done at Trough. Usual Trough is ~1000ng/dL]
Free T: 361.5pg/mL (47-244) [See above note]
Estradiol: 31pg/mL (<39) [Started Adex after this]
Total T: 937ng/dL (250-1200)
Free T: 262.8pg/mL (47-244)
Vit-D, 25-OH: 41ng/mL (30-100) [First Follow-Up on previous low Vit-D levels]
Total T: 1179ng/dL (250-1200)
Free T: 310pg/mL (47-244)
SHBG: 21nmol/L (11-80) [Down From 12/08/11 @ 48nmol/L from before I started TRT. Is this bad?]
So before the above rounds of testing occurred, I was feeling really good; I slept well (felt refreshed after 5-6 hours a night rest), had plenty of energy to actually start exercising for the first time in years, was losing fat and gaining muscle, and discovered that I must have had a low sex drive, because after starting TRT I remembered what it was like to have a teen-ager’s sex-drive!
Here is a random sampling of tests that may be helpful:
(01/28/12 - about 1 month after starting TRT)
TSH: 1.94uIU/mL (.34-3.5)
Free T4: 1.0ng/dL (.5-1.6)
Total T3: 157ng/dL (87-178)
Free T3: 3.7pg/mL (2.5-3.9)
Thyroid Antibodies:
ThyglbAb: 27U/mL (0-59)
TPO Ab: 37U/mL (0-59)
Cortisol 8am: 14.2ug/dL (5-25)
Free T4: 1.1ng/dL (.5-1.6)
TSH: 2.48uIU/mL (.34-3.5)
Thanks for wading through all that! I’m basically at the end of my rope, and have no idea where to go from here. I have had several CBC’s done over these months that have all come back clear, but if the info will help I can post them as well.
If I ignored all of my labs and just made a diagnosis based on symptoms I would say my Thyroid is acting up. My labs, unfortunately, beg to differ. So then I moved on to Adrenal issues which labs have caught a glimpse of something, but apparently not enough to warrant any sort of treatment, at least according to my doctor. Adrenal and Thyroid symptoms seems to have a lot of over-lap and that is why I feel it’s one of the two that is causing my troubles.
I would really appreciate some input on where to do from here. Part of me wants to do a trial-run on Thyroid meds to see if they do the trick, but I think that side of me is just the desperate side who is sick and tired of being so fatigued all the time that he will do just about anything to get rid of it. I also don’t have the slightest clue about how to get a hold of the stuff, so there’s that problem too.
I don’t want to jump to drastic measures if I don’t have to, and so I turn this over to you, in hopes that someone out there can see something that doesn’t look right and that warrants further investigation.
Thank you all for your time.