Fat Gain Problems

I gain fat really easily even though my calories are no more than 3100 and it seems like im not gaining muscle. All my foods are clean.

A normal day would look like this

  1. A bowl of oats approx 150g with 5 egg whites and two yolks or 1 scoop of protein powder

  2. Post workout drink consisting of 1 and a half scoops of protein and two tablespoons of a dextrose malto mix (approx 50g carbs)

  3. A bowl of oats with a 180g chicken

  4. 2 bits of bread with a can of tuna and a tablespoon of fish oil

  5. Dinner different each day. usually a meat with carbs and a tablespoon of fish oil

  6. 150g cottage chees with a tablespoon of peanut butter

it come to about 250g protein 250-300g carbs and maybe 50g fat

could someone tell me where im going wrong?

What does your training look like? You are probably not training hard enough and not enough volume.

When I follow a type of diet that includes alott of oatmeal , and bread I to start getting puffy.

try switching your breakfast to steak and eggs,

ditch your carb meals in favor of fruit, like grapefruit, apple, or tangerine.

My body doesn’t liek cottage cheese, I like eggwhites for last meal instead. Cottage cheese will actually raise insulin levels.

increase your omega threes throughout the day.

In the end gaining to much fat your eating more then your activity warrants.

Work more or eat less. BUT what are your goals and what BF are you?? Could it be your VERY thin and not accepting even healthy BF gain that will allow muscle growth??

Like others said try ditching some ogf the bread and oats and eat fruit, veggies except PWO and breakfast.

I would not go for the egg white for pre bed they are quickly digested and your looking for SLOW and the cottage cheese is great as its mainly casien even more so then milk and has many of the sugars removd so no its not bad on insulin levels, then the addition of the PB even further hinders that.

Might consider a fiber supp or something like celery along with that to get fiber to further slow the digestion and a healthy digestive tract. Mix PB with Metabolic Drive like a paste it great on Celery.


Try lowering your carbs a bit.
Or try something like a carb cycling diet like the AD.

Cut your carb intake before bed unless it’s a little fruit.
As long as you eat some fats like peanut butter or fish oil with the cottage cheese before bed you’re fine because the fats will lower the insulin response( along with the fiber found in peanut butter if you choose to use that).

Try some cardio and make sure you’re lifting as hard as you can. By the way,I didn’t see much,if any, vegetables. Try eating more vegetables like spinach,broccoli, lettuce,etc.
Try replacing most of your grain carbs with fruit and vegetable carbs too,unless it’s breakfast.

im pretty lean. probably in the 10-12% range. Last year my bulk went badly wrong and i ended up gaining about 30lbs of fat so i spent half the year trying to lose it. my goals are to gain muscle and strength and to look good.

I know from past experience that gaining more than a pound a week will make me fat. i am willing to accept some fat gains but when the majority of gains are in fat it gets frustrating.

I’d suggest staying away from carbs in the evening (except of course PWN, if you work out in the evening). This is advice I read in an article by one of the authors here, unfortunately I forgot which one.

I think it’s quite possible to make moderate gains while eating relatively low-carb, just by keeping the carbs low-gi (except for PWN of course), and completely staying away from carbs in the evening.

If you’re exercising enough, there should be no way of gaining fat while restricting carbs.

[quote]steinnes wrote:
This is advice I read in an article by one of the authors here, unfortunately I forgot which one.[/quote]

Ummm… everyone?

Explain to me exactly why this is.

Really? What if I eat 500g of protein and 500g of fat?


To the OP- chances are your apparent lack of progress is completely unrelated to what you plan to eat each day and your activity level. It likely falls into one or more of the following categories:

  1. Lack of consistency.
  2. Eating unplanned foods. Even a few hundred extra calories a day of unplanned food can result in fat gain. It’s also possible you are consuming empty calories and don’t realize it. How closely are you monitoring your intake?
  3. Not enough sleep or recovery, thereby affecting your workout intensity.
  4. Not enough healthy fat in your diet.
  5. Stress.

You might want to take a look at these and see if any fit.

Also- when you say “fat gain”, how to quantify that? Or better yet- how do you know? Are you using the scale as a measuring tool, your appearance, etc.? Are your lifts improving?

  1. I cant remember that last time i missed a workout or a meal
  2. i almost always eat the same every day and i rarely cheat
  3. i usually get about 8-9 hours of sleep
  4. i have 2 tbs of fish oil a day, peanut butter and olive oil
  5. i dont stress much

im going to try and remove some of the oats and bread and add some greens and up the protein a bit

[quote]sieb wrote:

  1. I cant remember that last time i missed a workout or a meal[/quote]

Everyone says they are consistent. Do you log your food or log your workouts? If you don’t you really don’t know.

You can’t get fat from the food you listed in the quantities you say you eat. Either your metabolism is fucked or you cheat more than you think.


So you have all of that but it still only comes up to 50g? Hmmm…

This is good.

Don’t remove the oats. Remove the bread sure, but not the oats.

I’m not trying to be argumentative with you- just want you to realize one thing- you think you’re doing everything right but you’re not making the kind of progress you want and you are gaining fat- yet you don’t really seem open to anything other than issues with your diet. And you didn’t answer the last part of my post, which was the most important.

I dont have a caliper but i use a tape measure on all major body parts. I also find that im gaining 1kg a week which i think my be a little high? I know im getting fatter because i can feel and see it in my legs and stomach. yes my lifts are improving. im not saying i know it all or anything im just looking for advice on how to improve my results.

as phil mentioned, you gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn.

it is as simple as that. work harder or eat less. cut back on dinner carbs and try that as a modified plan, see how your body has reacted in a month. if you are still fat, cut back on some fats.

if that doesn’t work, cut back on some protien as well.

listen to your body, not some article, theory or opinion for however helpful they may some times be.