Fat and Powerful (5/3/1 Strongman Training)

Tuesday(11/14) Day 2(Deadlift)
TM: 477lbs

Deadlift(Conv.) 3x5,3,4(365lbs,405lbs,455lbs)
GoodMornings 5x12(155lbs)
Hanging Leg Raises 5x15(Bodyweight)


-All deadlift sets performed beltless/ double overhand(no hook grip, cause im a winner), dont know where i got this vice grip from but all reps were smooth and had 1-2 left in the tank for my final amrap set.
-Was fried from the deadlifts, so i did the best that i could with the accessories.
-Strong like bull.


In on this!

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Iā€™m working on my grip but Iā€™m a hook grip convert. Feels strong in my hands with the hook even though Iā€™m still losing it some at the end of my AMRAP sets.

It may be that I just need to focus on it more.

@cdmac24 - Im attempting to convert to hook grip, cause Im not a fan of using straps unless absolutely necessary and after doing mixed grip on heavy sets for a few years it left me with a slight imbalance on my right side so i stopped doing that.

So far ive just been using hook grip with my warm ups, once i hit 405lbs i usually have to switch over to a normal double overhand because it feels like im having my thumb ripped off. Gonna try to suck it up in the future so i can improve.

Iā€™ll have to see if I feel the same pain as everyone seems to feel when I get up to that weight.

Right now I donā€™t have any pain but my heaviest set using hook grip has been 250x14 (started losing grip on 11th or 12th rep).

I assume that If you keep using it and progressively increase your deadlift with it, then your body will just become acclimated so you wont feel much if any pain. At least i think so haha, makes sense to me.

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Wednesday(11/22) Day 3(Rest Day)

-10 min of biking and 10 min of incline walking, low intensity
-3 Rounds of KB Swings(45lbs) and 120ft Suitcase/Overhead Carries
1)40 Swings, 30ft Overhead/30ft Suitcase(Right Hand) and then Left
2)30 Swings, 30ft Overhead/30ft Suitcase(Right Hand) and then Left
3)20 Swings, 30ft Overhead/30ft Suitcase(Right Hand) and then Left
-15 Minute of Foam Rolling and 15min of Stretching

Thursday(11/23) Day 4(Bench Day)
TM: 288lbs

Bench Press 3x5,3,6(215lbs, 245lbs, 275lbs)
Incline Dumbell Bench 5x15(55lbs)
Chest Supported Rows 5x10(70lbs)
Super Set
Reverse Cable Curls 3x8(110lbs)
Cable Tricep Extensions(Supinated) 3x10(140lbs)


-Great way to end this first cycle, with 275lbs for 6, a rep pr, with 1-2 left in the tank.
-My right quad started cramping up and shaking like crazy after my 4th rep, probably could have gotten more otherwise but by my 6th it was too much. Still really happy about it.
-Did incline DB again for an accessory, gonna stick with this for my next cycle
-Decided to try out chest supported rows for a back accessory, probably gonna alternate this with pendlay rows in my next cycle
-Again, finished up with a superset of bis/tris/forearms.



I got a chuckle out of the leg cramp on the bench PR set - Iā€™ve had the same thing happen with my hammy on a bench PR set. Itā€™s the damnedest thing.

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@bigjeff68 - Seriously haha, it was awful. The guy who was spotting me said he thought my leg was gonna fall off it was shaking so badly and it was the first time that has ever happened to me during any bench set. safe to say i was spooked

Saturday(11/25) Day 5(Squat Day)
TM: 378lbs

Back Squat 3x5,3,5(285lbs, 320lbs, 360lbs)
Leg Press 5x15(468lbs)
Leg Curl(Seated) 5x10(155lbs)


-Did not perform my dynamic warmups before lifting today due to a time constraint, which was a mistake. Always warm up.
-Even tho I got a PR of 5 reps on my last set, it was a struggle bus. That is my true 5RM, did not have anything in the tank after that one
-I feel that if I warmed up properly, it would have gone alot smoother, so in the future, never take the warm ups for granted despite time.
-Added 5lbs to my accessory movements and performed them as usual, nothing challenging there
-Skipped out on the added Ab movement today, not the end of the world. Still have my 4pack.
-Looking forward to a deload week next week

Sunday(11/26) Day 6(Rest Day)

-20min of walking on an incline, i have been increasing the incline by .5 every week so right now its at a 4.(I assume percent)
-5 rounds of KB Swings(45lbs) and battle rope, with foam rolling inbetween rounds
1)50 swings and 20 seconds battle rope
2)40 swings and 20 seconds battle rope
3)30 swings and 20 seconds battle rope
4)20 swings and 20 seconds battle rope
5)10 swings and 10 seconds battle rope
-20 minutes of static stretching

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Weight- 212.2lbs

Monday(11/27) Day 1(Overhead Day)
TM: 157lbs

Overhead Press 3x5,5,5(65lbs,80lbs, 95lbs)
Dips 5x15(BW)
Chin-ups 5x10(BW)
Cable Tricep Ext. 3x30(32.5lbs)
Barbell Curl 3x30(45lbs)

-First Deload Week and the beginning of the end of my first cycle
-Using this week to do some fine tuning on technique
-Perfect timing as my final exams start next week, study grind all day.

I may steal this for a conditioning day! Looks great.

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@cdmac24 I did about 30 seconds of foam rolling inbetween rounds and about 5 minutes after my last round. Even with 30 seconds rest inbetween, it still killed me. Let me know how it goes for you if you decide to try it.

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Tuesday(11/28) Day 2(Deadlift)
TM: 477lbs

Deadlift(Conv.) 3x5,5,5(190lbs,240lbs,290lbs)
GoodMornings 3x12(135lbs)
Hanging Leg Raises 3x15(Bodyweight)

-Did about 10min of steady state cardio on the bike and then another 10min walking
-Focused alot of today on stretching and mobility work, about 45min-1hr total
-Worked on mainting and explosive speed throught the entire deadlift
-Also working on bracing properly before every rep

Wednesday(11/29) Day 3(Rest Day)

-Took the entire day off today, didnt do jack shit.
-1 set of a naps for 2hrs
-Instead of going to the gym i ate an extra meal
-At work, send donuts

Thursday(11/30) Day 4(Bench Day)
TM: 288lbs

Bench Press 3x5,5,5(115lbs, 145lbs, 185lbs)
Incline Dumbell Bench 5x15(40lbs)
Chest Supported Rows 5x10(50lbs)
Band Curls 5x20
Band Tricep Extensions 5X20

-Focused on exploding from a pause on the bench
-Opted to use bands for arm work today, cause joint/tendon/ligament health

Friday(12/1) Day 5(Squat Day)
TM: 378lbs

Back Squat 3x5,5,5(150lbs, 190lbs, 225lbs)
Front Squats 3x10(135lbs)
GHR 5x10(BW)

-Even with a deload week, my squats seem off. Maybe its the tight hips, maybe its technique. Gonna film next weeks squat session to see if that provides the answer.
-Did a pause at the bottom of every rep
-Switched up the accessories, cause fuck it.


Are you eating enough? I fucked myself over a few deloads back because I didnā€™t eat enough. I just wasnā€™t hungry because pushing 40/50/60% of my max didnā€™t work me enough to make my body beg for food lol