If anyone is interested in our Testosterone Fantasy League, PM me. Right now, it’s Goldberg, Brent N., Groove, DocT, and I.
The live draft will be July 29.
If anyone is interested in our Testosterone Fantasy League, PM me. Right now, it’s Goldberg, Brent N., Groove, DocT, and I.
The live draft will be July 29.
what’s the buy in? EC?
I’m game!!
I’m in.
Sorry, not interested. :^P
Yo EC,
I’m in…how much and what is it going through…Yahoo? ESPN?
No costs involved.
It’s through Yahoo.
The league ID# is 117093 and the password is “forum.”
I’ll join as well
You sumbitches are all goin’ down.
EC I am in then I still will be in if there was a cost involved
Bumping for anyone who is interested. Three spots left.
Where you at, fitone?
IM IN!!!
Da Boxer
EC I am in but I can’t seem to log in
the Waterboys are now in 2 FF league;)
I signed up – I’m sure the “BostonBimbos” moniker strikes fear in the hearts of all the competition…
When is the draft?
crap, full.
You fuckers are going down!!!
BTW my name is “My Bench is Better!!”
Who is everyone else?
Im the:
Da Boxer