Hello - I am 27 Years Old guy from Europe. Did a lot research on this awesome forum and I want to self-start TRT to help my symptoms. I’ve already bought Testosterone (It’s impossible to get prescription in my Country), and have last few questions before starting. Please look at my background and labs and help me, I need it desperately.
27 Y/O - Always Super High Libido, Non-depressed and Anxiety. Doctor prescribed antidepressants for anxiety and been on them for >3 years (Prozac, Wellbutrin, Brintellix). They helped at the beginning, After second year of Prozac libido was non-existent and after withdrawal still didn’t back to previous state. Soft Erections, Weak Orgasm, Weak sensitivity.
I am 3 years drugs free now. Non taking anything more than supplements.
Feeling emotionless and zombified - desperately want my old self.
Due to Low SHBG - I am thinking about starting Testosterone Propionate ED for 6 weeks and then introducing small dose of HCG. I want to use SubQ method. Can someone help me with proper dosing and syringes?
I believe that less is more and I want to start with fairly small dosage of Testosterone, just to make my Free Testosterone in the upper range. I don’t want to use AI.
Results Range
FREE TESTOSTERONE 12,20 pg/ml 4,5 – 42
TESTOSTERONE 3,21 ng/ml 2,490 – 8,360
SHBG 17,5 nmol/l 17,3 – 65,8
FSH (did it twice by mistake) . 1,65 mIU/ml 1,40 – 18,1
FSH 2,5 mIU/ml 1,5 – 12,4
ESTRADIOL 36,64 pg/ml 7,63 – 42,6
PROGESTERONE 0,3 ng/ml 0,2 – 1,4
PROLACTIN 9,4 ng/ml 4,0 – 15,2
DHEA 4,013 ng/mol 1,33 – 7,78
TSH 1,706 uIU/ml 0,550 – 4,780
FT3 Free 3,91 pg/ml 2,30 – 4,20
FT4 Free 1,36 ng/dl 0,89 – 1,76
PSA Total 1,41 ng/ml <4,00
WBC 7,3 K/ul 4,0 – 10,0
NEUT 3,88 K/ul 2,5 – 5,0
NEUT % 53,4% 45,0 – 70,0
LYM 2,68 K/ul 1,5 – 3,5
LYM % 36,9% 20,0 – 40,0
MONO 0,36 K/ul 0,2 – 0,8
MONO % 4,9% 3,0 – 8,0
EOS 0,32 K/ul 0,04 – 0,4
EOS % 4,4% 1,0 – 5,0
BASO 0,03 K/ul 0,02 – 0,10
BASO% 0,4% 0,0 – 1,0
RBC 5,34 M/ul 4,1 – 6,2
HGB 16,5 g/dl 14,0 – 18,0
HCT 48,0 % 40,0 – 54,0
MCV 90,0 fL 80,0 – 97,0
MCHC 34,5 g/dL 32,0 – 36,0
MCH 31,0 pg 27,0 – 34,0
RDW 12,1 % 11,0 – 15,0
PLT 263,0 K/uL 150,0 – 450,0
MPV 8,8 fL 6,1 – 11,0
LDH 229 IU/I 120 – 246
Serum Albumin 4,8 g/dl 3,5 – 5,2
Cholesterole HDL 42 mg/dl (less) > 45
Sodium 143 mmol/l 136 – 145
Potassium 4,1 mmol/l 3,5 – 5,1
Calcium 2,39 mmol/l 2,10 – 2,60
Magnesium 2,34 mmol/l 1,60 – 2,60
Total Protein 7,6 g/dl 6,0 – 8,0
Creatinine 0,90 mg/dl 0,70 – 1,20
EGFR >=60 ml/min/1,73m^2
Total Cholesterole 151 mg/dl 115 – 190
Triglycerides 160 mg/dl (more) <150
AST/GOT 32 U/l <45
ALT/GPT 54 U/l (more) <45
Bilirubin Total 0,82 mg/dl 0,10 – 1,20
Iron 162,1 ug/dl 50 – 70
Glucose 91 mg/dl 70 – 99
Urea (BUN) 26,8 md/dl 10 – 50
Uric Acid 6,7 mg/dl 3,5 – 7,2
What about my results that are not in range - ALT, Triglycerides, HDL - is it an obstacle for TRT?
Another things that I am struggling with - what will be good dose to start?
What syringes I should use, can someone send me videos how to inject properly Int and SubQ?
What time of a day I should inject my self to copy a natural testosterone cycle?
How about fertility, I have the feeling that SSRIs made me infertile quite a bit,
how can TRT possible make this worse, what is the real risk?
Any other advices and comment will be appreciated.
I just want normal life back.
Be happy, have relationship, have kids. Thanks!