[quote]phaethon wrote:
[quote]Makavali wrote:
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
The woman was suffering from a life-threatening condition that likely would have caused her death if she hadn’t had the abortion at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center.[/quote]
Seriously, to the two posters who replied, what the fuck is wrong with you?[/quote]
What exactly is the problem?
Club states that activity X is unacceptable.
Member of the club promotes activity X.
Club states that the member is no longer qualified to talk on behalf of the club.
Believing that the 11 week old fetus is human is hardly an extreme viewpoint.
Believing it is immoral to kill one human to save another is not an extreme viewpoint either. Even if both humans will almost certainly die if nothing is done doesn’t make it right to kill a human.
Simply because you share a different viewpoint is no reason to act like an angsty teenager.
I don’t agree with the Catholic Church on this issue either. I would get my wife to have the abortion if her life was threatened. It would be a sad occasion but I feel it is the best choice.
Then again if it came down to a survival situation between us and I could either kill you or we would both die…well I would put a bullet in your head. And I wouldn’t feel as bad about it as I would if my wife had an abortion.
That is not the situation at all that an abortion brings to the table, unless someone points a gun to your wife’s head and says if she does not have the abortion he’ll kill both the baby and mother. Then, if the latter situation was the case would it be like your scenario, it would be the same situation, and having the abortion would not be immoral.
But I can understand why people would disagree with me and say instead we should both die. You seem to lack that understanding and can only view things in a simplistic way. Frankly it is lame because it means your posts aren’t worth reading. You should really add more depth to your responses. Consider my advice constructive criticism.[/quote]
The Catholic Church would not fault you or say your actions were immoral if you shot him in the head. You preserved life, even if it was your own. Now, if you shot him in the head when there was other options, then is when your actions to shot him in the head is immoral. I know it is tricky, but just look at how the Church determines something is immoral or not, and it’ll be easier to understand what I am talking about, and if you need any questions on this further, I’ll be glad to answer them.