Excel Spreadsheet for Wendler's 5/3/1

I tried to reproduce but I think I would have to change my computer’s regional settings. The problem appear to be that the Excel date format in the spreadsheet is expecting MM/DD/YY and you are entering DD/MM/YY. Normally, Windows takes care of regional settings. However, I now see in the cell formatting window that there is an asterisk near the date format I selected and there is a little note at the bottom. The note seems to say that the date format I selected would NOT change with regional settings. That explains why Windows didn’t handle it. Amazing what one finds out when one reads the little notes.

You might try highlighting one of the date columns and right-click. Select Format Cells. With Number tab selected, choose Date from the list and the to the right select the format you use. This should correct your version. I will correct the spreadsheet that I uploaded.

I’ve been looking at your 5/3/1 spreadsheet, and it’s amazing what can be done with a little know how :slight_smile:

That being said, the percentages are different than what was written in the T-Nation article. Are they different in the 5/3/1 ebook as compared to the article?

[quote]ssplit wrote:

Oh, and my real 1RMs were 50/160/90/130 kg before starting the program.[/quote]

That’s spookily similar to mine. I start tomorrow with week one, having tested my 1rms last week. (for the record 60/150/90/130)

Thanks alot, this really beats the half assed spread sheet i made myself.

[quote]Wiskonstantin wrote:
I’ve been looking at your 5/3/1 spreadsheet, and it’s amazing what can be done with a little know how :slight_smile:

That being said, the percentages are different than what was written in the T-Nation article. Are they different in the 5/3/1 ebook as compared to the article?[/quote]

There are two different suggested percentages. I chose the higher ones but the others can easily be entered in the spreadsheet. Maybe I can add the ability to customize in the next version of the spreadsheet by entering information in a configuration table.

hey jsdool,
Awesome job on the spreadsheet, i started my own one and then found this one night and a sigh of relief followed.
I’m a crossfitter just about to start my strenght work with 5/3/1 as i’ve seen my oppo’s strenght going through the roof!
2 questions. In the UK we use KG Plates, will this affect the spreadsheet atall?
and secondly im looking to do the lower percentages to begin with as i don’t want to over do it 1st cycle!


Doesn’t anyone just use a marble composition notebook, write shit down, then remember things?

Good day. I am starting the week 4 deload of this program from this exact spreadsheet tomorrow, and I wonder if you or anyone else can answer 2 questions, please and thanks.

the T-Nation article I read before I found this thread says to add 5lbs onto max numbers for calculation for upper body moves, 10lbs legs. With this spreadsheet I have been revising my max numbers throughout the first 3 weeks, I got that gist from the statistics sheet. Is this a reasonable course of action?

Also, how do I treat assistance moves during deload? do I cut them out, or just do half as many sets?

[quote]tom63 wrote:
Doesn’t anyone just use a marble composition notebook, write shit down, then remember things?[/quote]
Yeah, only I use an online training journal.

Pretty cool spreadsheet. I’m going to pick it apart and use it for my own progression system. I had one written up for 5/3/1 a number of months back, but it got lost after some unexpected PC issues and what not.

Still trying to figure out a more complex way for excel to determine the correlation between the assistance lifts and the big lifts. Not that I need to have it down in front of me, just would be cool to see it applied on a spreadsheet and have something to say how much one lift carries over to another for the individual.


sorry to bump this old thread, but im just starting 5/3/1 and want such an excel sheet, but unfortunately im a complete newbie in terms of excel, so any chance, someone still has the sheet for me?

would be awesome! :slight_smile:

ok nevermind, found it with google :smiley:

[quote]tom63 wrote:
Doesn’t anyone just use a marble composition notebook, write shit down, then remember things?[/quote]

Yeah I use a book, but I also use my own spreadsheet to work out weights for complete cycles, calc Maxes etc. But the book is the main thing.

[quote]jsdool wrote:
There are several spreadsheets that have been made available for Wendler’s 5/3/1. I have one that can be downloaded at



Hi, the link is dead :frowning: anybody have the file or a working link? I’ll be very grateful
Already have another spreadsheets but this sound very cool with the charts.