[quote]KSman wrote:
Do we have an extreme diet here?
Picture says low E2, not high. Picture does not say gyno. FT and %FT does not say high E2.
LH looks good. But as LH is released in pulses, the lab may have caught a peak that is not representative. However, if that LH level really is representative, then that and the low TT might be indicating under performing testicles.
We see a lot of guys like this at your age, because they find there way here. These problems are likely rare.
Need some history of how and when did this start. Steroids, PH’s, hair loss drugs? Blows to the head? Reduction of peripheral vision, check both eyes.
Why were these tests done. Why did you go to the doc?
describe body and facial hair
did to grow fast or slow and steady as a teen
testes ache or hurt? ever?
get cold easily? a change?
use iodized salt?
eat much sea food?
exposure to chemicals?[/quote]
I was using a military doctor since that was all I was allowed at the time unfortunately
tricare and socialized medicine is for the birds! I will be out in a month so I will see about getting some health insurance and seeing a reputable doctor then. Any suggestions on insurance?
The reason I got the tests run was because i went to him about my puffy nipples and i had a noticable hard mass under both of them if you pinch them you can feel it and it gets sensitive sometimes. I didnt know much about gyno until I started reading about it on this board.
As far as AAS’s go and any of that other stuff, I have taken 2 cans of animal stak about 6-8 months back and I used to take ZMA every night before bed for about a year or so. I have since stopped taking these since I thought they might be hurting me. Although I would like to start my first cycle in Sept, I want to get to the bottom of this as I dont want to hurt myself or wind up on trt if i dont need it.
age: 21 about to be 22 in Aug
height: 6’2"
weight: ~205
waist: 33"
describe body and facial hair: very hard gainer, ectomorph, was tall and slender until i joined the military, i was 150 before i started lifting in 2006 so ~60lbs has been gained in 4 yrs
did to grow fast or slow and steady as a teen: as a teen I grew tall wise extremely fast, I was always one of the tallest kids but i was as skinny as a rail, never had any muscle mass
testes ache or hurt? ever?: Maybe once or twice, but nothing ever frequent or has happened within recent memory
mood: frustrated with the lack of sex drive and how hard it is to gain mass
depression: maybe if i cant get this straightened out (lol)
libido: was alright but has slowly dwindled off and is non exsistant now.
get cold easily? a change?: i never really get sick but when i do i come down hard for a good 3-4 days, last time I was sick was last fall
use iodized salt? on foods? yes I never really watch my salt to be honest
eat much sea food? to be honest not really, just some here and there, mostly chicken breasts, lean hambergur, and lean steaks. I will eat mostly rice, bagels and assorted fruits also. milk is always had at every meal.
exposure to chemicals: likely since I work with nukes and we have all kinds of chemicals that we use such as air craft grease to different cleaning agents, not to mention the shop i work in is dirty as hell and i work 12 hour shifts 7 days a week (or have been the past few months)