[quote]steveo5801 wrote:
lothario1132 wrote:
So anyway, here we are in Kenya – arguably the birthplace of the human race, and then along come these goofballs who are pissed off about the renovated museum’s awesome collection of early human ancestor fossils.
Here’s my favorite quote:
“It’s creating a big weapon against Christians that’s killing our faith,” he told AFP, calling evolution theory an “insult” and dangerous to youths. “When children go to museums they’ll start believing we evolved from these apes.”
Yeah, science is killing Christianity. Gimme a break. Anybody here like me feeling nostalgic for Intelligent Design christians? At least they weren’t so insecure about some skeletons.
Couple of points:
(1) So this belongs in the politics forum? I ask this not because I have a problem with it, but I am wondering why you would do such a thing when so many people might object.
(2) Since this does seem to attach the Christian faith or at least intimate that the Christian faith is ‘unscientific,’ I have no choice but to post on this thread – in the spirit of debating of course.
So, here goes…
I don’t know who spoke or wrote that quote about evolution ‘killing Christianity.’ I could not disagree more with that. Try as everyone in history might, God and His Word are still with us and people in every generation have been saved by His Word and blessed.
The fact is that evolution is simply not science, but an atheistic faith that attempts to explain all that we see without God or a Divine Being (i.e. without an intelligent designer). It cannot be science for a number of reasons:
(a) The theory does not lend itself to experimentaion and possible falsification. Therefore, it is not a scientific theory, but only a belief.
(b) The theory violates the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.
(c) The macroevolution part of the theory is never observed in nature. We never see one species become another species. We only see ‘microevolution’ which is called ‘variation.’ A dog becomes a different kind of dog, but it sitll remains a dog. A dog never becomes a giraffe.
(d) Nobody was there at the time of Creation to observe it. Therefore, every explaination (including the Creation account of Genesis) is a religious belief that requires faith. In the case of Divine Creation – faith in God. In the case of evolution – faith in random processes.
The fact of the matter is that there is no scientific basis for teaching evolution as fact to anyone. It doesn’t belong in the science class – neither does Creation or Intelligent Design. All of these ‘theories,’ which require faith to believe and not fact, belong (if taught in school at all) in a comparative religion or philosophy class.
Just some of my ideas about the subject.
These are not “ideas”. They’re reguritated, false nonsense of the sort that has people starting threads about why they want you to leave.
If you don’t even understand why the laws of thermodynamics have nothing at all to do with evolution, then it’s not worth teaching you.
And this belongs in the politics section because fundies such as yourself have made it their admitted plan to break evolution through the court of public opinion and the legislatures.