Edit: Well, second, but you know what I mean. Also, congrats to 460 for the kill…until PMPM steals it.[/quote]
She must be putting someone away on a murder for oreos case. She has been MIA and a one hit and runner for a while now. Or she would have killed the last 5 TK’s.[/quote]
You just had to do it for old times sake, huh?
Btw, I was SO happy for you for getting to see PJ all up close and personal like that. You’ve been long over due for some good luck.
OK, back squatted (ie. squatted) for the first time in almost a year. I think I have a number that I’ll attempt a widowmaker with in the next week or so.
I have to say that all the front squatting has helped my squat squat. I can tell the first time back.
wasn’t you Buzy, it was teh posters stinkin up the place. but I found the ignore button, and life is wonderful once more…[/quote]
Yeah, those married dudes pandering pics on the internet…
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
YOU GUYS YOU GUYS guess what I just did!
I just squatted my bodyweight ten times!
EDIT EDIT: I counted wrong, more than my BW 145x10!!!
Aaaaah I’m ao happy I’m kinda crying. No srsly like a tear just came out of my eye! Right here in tweenty four hour fitness.
Aaaah FUARKKKKK BEST THING TO happen for me in months.
pic unrelated.[/quote]
Recent pic? Looks like a lot more separation in your shoudler and bicep/tricep too. Nice work hallowed.[/quote]
Yep that was last night… BENCH PRESS day just happened to land on a Monday LOL.
i had crazeeee pump last night felt like my arm was gonna pop sooooogoooood.