
Hello. I’ve been lurking here for about six months and up until now I’ve found all of the answers I needed by using the search engine. I’ve gotten alot of great info from this site but now I’ve finally got a question to post. So thanks in advance for the help. Anyway, I had a dream I ordered some gear from eurobolic. I have had nothing but good reports about this company as far as promptness of service and what-not from my imaginary friends who also dreamed they used this site. The problem is that they used british dragon gear, and being a miserly goat I opted for the EC Labs brand. Does anyone have any experience with this? Was this a good dream or a nightmare? Thanks, Goat

I dreamt: if it ain’t fuckin’ broke, don’t fuckin’ fix it.

Sweet dreams!


[quote]Headhunter wrote:
I dreamt: if it ain’t fuckin’ broke, don’t fuckin’ fix it.

Sweet dreams!


Thank you for that cryptic reply. My command of the English language must not be what I thought it was b/c I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I’ll try again. Anyone ever use EC Labs brand gear? Have a swell day!

My point is: you’ve got a fine company that delivers top notch quality products. If you opt to try to save a few dollars (or whatever your currency is) prepareth thyself for a royal fucking!

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
My point is: you’ve got a fine company that delivers top notch quality products. If you opt to try to save a few dollars (or whatever your currency is) prepareth thyself for a royal fucking!

So was that a yes or a no? Anyway, I see what your getting at and your probaly right. But the BD gear is not only much more pricey than what I bought, but it’s alot more than just about everything out there. If I take a fucking then I’ll have learned a valuable (expensive?) lesson. But if not, then i’ll have found something decent that’s worth paying for. Anyway, Thanks for the advice.

When you see a company sell a product for less than the raw material BD uses to make the same product, what would that tell you?


[quote]Headhunter wrote:
When you see a company sell a product for less than the raw material BD uses to make the same product, what would that tell you?


Well, considering I didn’t know what BD spends to make their products it didn’t tell me anything at the time, but I guess that’s not a good sign, although, at this point it looks like I’ve got no choice but to give it a try. Even if this stuff turns out to be alright I’m gonna have to give the BD a shot(no pun intended) next time if it really is that much better. Now back to my question. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with this stuff? Thanks, Goat

Anyone have experience w/ the eco-oils sachets?

So sayeth the hunter…good point bro.

fatass…I mean biscuite

[quote]Iowa wrote:
Anyone have experience w/ the eco-oils sachets?[/quote]

Don’t get the Test unless you’re ready for some pain.