Equipoise Winstrol Cycle?

Where we’re going, we don’t need roads…

but they’ll probably make the trip a whole lot easier

What is the best beginner cycle for mass gains of muscle? my firend told me to go on eq and winstral but it seems like its a cutting cycle? Will i still gain from it?

[quote]sapasion wrote:
razor1208 wrote:
I was thinking of doing this…

1-8: Equipoise 300mg/week
1-5: Winstrol 50mg/ED

Possibly running 6-8: Proviron 25mg-50mg/ED

PCT: 10: 40mg Novla/ED
11-12: 20mg Novla/ED

As for the previous Q, I was going to use the Proviron due to availability.

I want a really mild cycle with minimal sides.

I was also curious as to the chances of Gyno or Hairloss on this? I know the Proviron would definately have that risk, but what about without it?

Also, should I run the Novla with the cycle. I know it will take some gains, but I’d rather be a bit of a pussy on this point than a bitch with tits.

I know I mighed get flamed on this but I’ve been researching and there is a lot of contradictory info out there so I’m looking for some specific info on this. Thanks!

[1] Don’t worry about DHT side effects with Proviron.
[2] As H-Train has correctly pointed out 300 even 400mg’s a week of EQ is not going to elicit much in the way of tangible results and certainly not for 8 even 10 weeks.
[3] The proviron is more than enough of an estrogen control product.

You also mentioned you’re looking more for strength and performance than size. Might considering running 50mg’s ED of Tren Ace. [Let me assure you 50mg’s ED of Tren Ace alone will blow away 400mg’s of EQ a week] In fact Tren might be the best base product for you and then you can add something that aromatises like EQ if you want[/quote]

OOOoohh i like that man! Tren and Eq… that would give some fucking beautiful gains!! note to self…

To the OP… i am not keen on winny either, i only used it once but i noticed fuck all - mine was an injectable and it was branded too. I think 300-400mg of equipose will give good results for a first timer, of that i am fairly certain. It is a better drug than deca (more anabolic and androgenic) and that works at those doses alone very well…

I would seriously consider a low dose test and eq, maybe 400 and 300 respectively - this is low but over 12 weeks will give decent gains for a novice. Plus with a little propeica and arimidex this would be probably as low in sides as your original cycle. Maybe more so - winstrol is hard on the hair line. Eq is too but cannot be stopped with propeica as it converts to a different di-hydro variant.
Test with arimidex and propecia becomes a highly anabolic, androgenic drug with virtually no chance of the common sides of gyno, MPB and prostate hypertrophy… Then it also makes you a lot bigger! What more do you want?

I love saps idea of 50mg ED tren ace and an aromatisable drug… maybe 500mg test or 400mg eq…


[quote]rj_web wrote:
What is the best beginner cycle for mass gains of muscle? my firend told me to go on eq and winstral but it seems like its a cutting cycle? Will i still gain from it?[/quote]

If you dont know what “cutting cycle” actually means then you should not be looking to take these drugs. You wont listen to me i know, but at least i did my moral obligation.


JJ, I’ve always read that EQ was one of the top choices for those wanting to avoid hair loss. Are you sure about what you wrote?

As for the OP, it’s a weird cycle you’re planning. It could still work though but why not do a more common, “proven” one?

Not positive… it is EITHER that it turns to DihydroBoldenone and is potent but cannot be helped by Finasteride OR it turns into DHB and is not bad on the hair line… i’ll look it up - 2 mins!

HHMMmm… this is what threw me off from Bodybuilding.com:

“…The strange thing about its androgenic component is that it is mostly not mediated by a 5-alpha-reduced form, as is the case for most steroids. While it does indeed form a very potent 5AR form (dihydroboldenone, roughly 7 times as anabolic as testosterone1) its shows a very low affinity for the 5-alpha-reducatase enzyme2…”

Then there is this… from steroidology.com:

“…Although typically dosage related, Equipoise can also produce distinct androgenic side effects. Oily skin, acne, increased aggression and hair loss are all possible with this compound. Women find this drug quite comfortable, virilization symptoms usually unheard of when taken at low doses. Boldenone does reduce to a more potent androgen (dihydroboldenone) via the 5alpha reductase enzyme (which produces DHT from testosterone), however its affinity for this interaction in the human body is low to nonexistent. Therefore the reductase inhibitor Proscar would not be of much use with Equipoise, as it would be blocking what is at best an insignificant path of metabolism for the steroid…”

No, i think it does aggrivate MPB… especially in the 4-600mg doses, not in the 50mg doses of a female though.

Anyone with first hand knowledge?



I found this forum… read this first page - the amount of misinformation here is sickening.

We have our problems, but all in all the knowledgeable people here are good, trustworthy and moral.


Thanx for the heads up JJ

Excellent cutting cycle and most gains will remain with minimal or no side effects…

[quote] JJ wrote:

I found this forum… read this first page - the amount of misinformation here is sickening.

We have our problems, but all in all the knowledgeable people here are good, trustworthy and moral.


JJ what are your thoughts one of the two following cycles for a beginner. I’m 41 6ft2 270 pnd so i’m pretty big already and fairly strong naturally. I’d love to gain some quality lean muscle and shed some body fat. Don’t want to lose labido and I don’t want a lot of water weight would like to retain gains, blah, blah, blah…

#1: Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ weekly
Week 1 to 10: 25 mg proviron daily
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

#2: Week 1 to 13: 10mg Nolvadex daily
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ weekly
Week 1 to 10: 500mg TEST weekly
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

Or maybe I should just do Test Cyp by itself but i’m afraid of bloat, this is going to be for the winter. Any input from real world users is appreciated. Thanks

[quote]topgun1051 wrote:
JJ wrote:

I found this forum… read this first page - the amount of misinformation here is sickening.

We have our problems, but all in all the knowledgeable people here are good, trustworthy and moral.


JJ what are your thoughts one of the two following cycles for a beginner. I’m 41 6ft2 270 pnd so i’m pretty big already and fairly strong naturally. I’d love to gain some quality lean muscle and shed some body fat. Don’t want to lose labido and I don’t want a lot of water weight would like to retain gains, blah, blah, blah…

#1: Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ weekly
Week 1 to 10: 25 mg proviron daily
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

#2: Week 1 to 13: 10mg Nolvadex daily
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ weekly
Week 1 to 10: 500mg TEST weekly
Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

Or maybe I should just do Test Cyp by itself but i’m afraid of bloat, this is going to be for the winter. Any input from real world users is appreciated. Thanks


Make a totally new thread and i will look at it… plus add your thoughts behind why you constructed them like this… at first glance, there are a few points i can see already… but do it again please mate in your own thread…

