Equipoise... Normal?

ok so im three shots into eq the first was fine at one cc then the second was two cc’s and i previously stated on here it got really itchy and frirm at the injection site even when i rubbed it, well i just did another shot of one point five and it itches but is not firm is this nomral? a guy told me that our two inch needle is not long enough to penetrate my fat and get to my muscle in my butt does this matter?

Unless you’re put together like Fat Bastard, a 1.5 inch needle should be plenty long enough to inject in the glute, let alone a 2 incher.

I don’t have a clue about itchiness. Redness, swelling, sure, but itchy? Sounds like an allergic reaction. Take some Benadryl, or change up your injection protocol.

This thread is useless without pictures.

yeah no when i press on the site before i do my injection there is a little fat but i can feel the muscle under there some one said that i needed 3 inch needles that all the eq is doing is getting caught in the cellulite or whatever and just staying there its not red its not painful and its not swelled it just itches

[quote]ballysboy1 wrote:
yeah no when i press on the site before i do my injection there is a little fat but i can feel the muscle under there some one said that i needed 3 inch needles that all the eq is doing is getting caught in the cellulite or whatever and just staying there its not red its not painful and its not swelled it just itches[/quote]

Ummm, whomever you’re getting your advice from doesn’t have a f’n clue.

You’re getting advice from another bally’s boy, aren’t you?


Gonna miss ya World, thanks for being able and serving… This poster sounds like a jackass

I’ve always wondered, what would happen if you injected AAS Sub-Q? Would it be a waste of the juice? What would happen?

It would take an unnecessarily long time for the oil to be absorbed into the bloodstream, seeing as how lipid tissue is comparatively void of circulation, unlike muscle tissue.

Why the heck would you be injecting a different volume each and every time?