nope i didnt change my name or start a nother ID but I will keep doing what im doing and ill tell you how it went for me and in the last month Im up 25% in all my maxes and getting bigger even faster.
for the ignoramus who suggested the steroid forum be deleted…go fuck yourself!
people get flamed in here for their own good. generally speaking, valuable advice usually follows the initial flame. I think the recent influx of totally ignorant/uneducated posts and questions may have something to do with why you don’t see some of the more familiar names giving advice anymore.
for the dumbass kid who is running 200 mg EQ per week with obviously no idea what he has potentially gotten himself into…good luck…i’m sick and tired of fucktards like you ruining what was once a decent forum with your ignorant and misguided posts.
[quote]juice20jd wrote:
for the ignoramus who suggested the steroid forum be deleted…go fuck yourself!
people get flamed in here for their own good. generally speaking, valuable advice usually follows the initial flame. I think the recent influx of totally ignorant/uneducated posts and questions may have something to do with why you don’t see some of the more familiar names giving advice anymore.
for the dumbass kid who is running 200 mg EQ per week with obviously no idea what he has potentially gotten himself into…good luck…i’m sick and tired of fucktards like you ruining what was once a decent forum with your ignorant and misguided posts.
[quote]juice20jd wrote:
for the ignoramus who suggested the steroid forum be deleted…go fuck yourself!
people get flamed in here for their own good. generally speaking, valuable advice usually follows the initial flame. I think the recent influx of totally ignorant/uneducated posts and questions may have something to do with why you don’t see some of the more familiar names giving advice anymore.
for the dumbass kid who is running 200 mg EQ per week with obviously no idea what he has potentially gotten himself into…good luck…i’m sick and tired of fucktards like you ruining what was once a decent forum with your ignorant and misguided posts.
isn’t a forum supposed to be a place where people can go and learn ?, ie. ask a stupid question and then someone will correct them ? if this guy asks a stupid question then why not help him insted of just add useless and unproductive comments ?
It seems to me that there are more poeple that lurk the steroid forum just waiting to attack poeple, and a lot less people that really know what they are talking about and are willing to explain things to people.
I log in to T-Nation daily for the training and nutrition advise because it is the best site i have ever found in this regard. For steroid advice i go to a different forum where there are people FAR more knowlegeable and more inclined to help.
This is the last thing i will say on the matter because i dont see any more point in arguing about it.
Timmyc, there is a big difference between a stupid question and an intelligent question. Now if you have trouble determining what category bigpapa’s question falls into then maybe you should be doing more research as well. I doubt that any of forums on the net would condone the use of AAS to a 17-year old who obviously has no diet/pct plan post cycle as far as I can tell.
The purpose of the steroid forum is for constructive criticism and in this case to hopefully help a kid realize he’s too young to be injecting EQ, not to help holding his fucking hand while walking thru the trenches.
[quote]TimmyC wrote:
isn’t a forum supposed to be a place where people can go and learn ?, ie. ask a stupid question and then someone will correct them ? if this guy asks a stupid question then why not help him insted of just add useless and unproductive comments ?
It seems to me that there are more poeple that lurk the steroid forum just waiting to attack poeple, and a lot less people that really know what they are talking about and are willing to explain things to people.
I log in to T-Nation daily for the training and nutrition advise because it is the best site i have ever found in this regard. For steroid advice i go to a different forum where there are people FAR more knowlegeable and more inclined to help.
This is the last thing i will say on the matter because i dont see any more point in arguing about it.
NO you shouldn’t give advice to someone who’s 17 on how to properly use any drug.
However, I think it’s real likely you’re going to get a “FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME” responce if you start flaming at them…especially if they’re already on.
SO WHAT DO I DO? You might ask yourself. Well if you ethically and morally feel obligued to not want to aid in possibly (and likely) helping this youth fuck himself up, just do the same thing you would to anyone who asks a question that clearly shows that did NO RESEARCH/PLANNING (ie. they’re stupid/lazy). TELL THEM TO USE THE SEARCH ENGINE.
You don’t have to reccomend a link. You don’t have to mention certain authors names or articles. It’s basically like saying “I don’t know bro, I’m not fucking with you. Go figure it out yourself.”
On guy says this and this post becomes forgotten just as soon as it should be.
BTW youngster, if you’re not just jerking us around. WTF do you mean you’re in pain? BTW pane is like what the glass in a window is reffered to as ie. windo pane. Pain is what young uneducated impatient teenagers are to the ass of EVERYONE who has taken the time to intelligently use steriods.
TimmyC…you obviously haven’t been around here much. or, judging by your total of 11 posts, you yourself were one of these “lurkers” you mention. “lurkers” hopping on the flame wagon are usually singled out quick and ignored…like in every other forum on this site.
and MANY bros here are also members/vets/mods on your other “more knowledgeable” boards.
this forum used to be a smaller, more tight knit community with VERY knowledgeable fellas and those more than willing to help, as long as it was obvious you had made some effort to be up to speed on the subject at hand.
you can direct folks to the newbie thread, steroids for dummies, constructing a cycle series, the s files, Cy-borg and the many other excellent resources that are easily found by using the search engine until you are blue in the face…
anyone who has viewed this forum for any length of time (especially around 2 years ago) would know all these resources like the back of their hand, or at least be familiar with the names. how times change…ignorance is bliss i guess.