EQ/Test/Proviron Stack. 600/600 50mg or Should I Switch That Up Dose-Wise?

My last one was two years ago did 500 mg test 1* a week for 14 weeks. No AI but basic pct. Got a bit puffy twords the end but no other sides. Came off great. Gained 50 kept 35 after pct. This time I have EQ/ test combo vials. 200/200 for 400 mg per ml total. Also stacking proviron 50mg ed . This time I will have aromasin 12.5-25 mg per day depending on what bloods tell me. and 250 iu HCG a week as well as blood work through out.

My current plan is to run 200/200 injected 3* a week for total of 600 mg each. I will run that combo 15 weeks and then for week 16 I will run only some test as I’ve heard it’s best to run test a but after the EQ to balance the ester timing. I will start proviron week 6 and run 10 weeks on that.

However. After speaking with some people. I’m wondering if I should grab a few more test vials and split it up the balance of my shots. So I’d be able to say run 3-350 EQ with like 4-500mg test or vice versa. Or I’d be open to any other opinions about dosing percentages on that. I’m more worried about inducing sides( mainly worried about the EQ reports of anxiety) as well as wondering if just jumping straight to 1200mg a week is a good idea for my second cycle. But I’m also aware EQ is very mild and most report you shouldn’t even bother at less than 600 mg. Anyone with expirince I’d greatly appreciate input

Use the ai as needed. I would wait until you have symptoms of high e2. Then only take like half a pill. People underestimate how powerful those ai pills are. Remember e2 is anabolic too.

1200 is a big dose. I would think you proposal to run lower EQ is probably wise.

Ya I’m thinking of going 500 test 300 EQ but we’ll see

WhAt!!! I don’t believe you…

EQ doesn’t need to be injected 3x weekly, once weekly is fine for EQ

Far better idea, you don’t need 1.2g for a second cycle

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My very first stack was 400mg test and 400mg EQ and I gained great! So don’t listen to those "you have to run at least 600’ comments. Yes 600 would probably net you more but this is your first stack so keep it reasonable. I feel going to 1000mgs total per week is the line and even that is pushing it. With EQ you will get better results running longer vs higher.

As far a ratio some guys swear you need test higher but I have not experienced that as a necessity. I will add right here run your test two weeks past your EQ, how you wrote it I was not 100 that you meant 1 or 2 weeks.

With what I read about you my two cents is get three bottles of the blend and run 15 weeks. I know that’s a bit much for your second cycle but I refer you to the whole run EQ longer vs higher comment. If you had a way to get three bottle and run it 12-14 weeks then that would be ideal. Even as I typed it I realized three bottles will not get you 15 weeks. I have been doing this a while and I think only a handful of times I have ever been able to get 10 full 1 ml shots out of a bottle. That last shot is always 1/2 to whatever.

If you know you are going to run more cycles then just get a simple test bottle to run your test out two weeks past. But if money or whatever like “you don’t want a half empty bottle in your drawer” for the next 6 months. Then get a bottle of test propionate 100. It how I always use to finish any long ester cycle. Run that bottle 100mgs EOD and that gets you right at 3 weeks. Once it’s done wait a couple days the start PCT. It works for enanthate based cycles, decanoate based, or undecanoate based. It’s great because in the back of your head you are expecting that test prop to help you drop the extra water weight so you put in extra at the gym to help it, it totally helps you harness the placebo effect for your benefit. And it actually might help you get the water off and burn a little extra fat. That prop ester really changes how that test hits and effects you. It shouldn’t but it does.

For your aromasin. Unless if you know you have estrogen issues then start your cycle and self monitor. Chances are since you are newer to cycling you will start to retain water and all that. At that time start with 12.5 mgs on the two days of the week you inject the test/EQ blend. Even though aromasin has a short half life the way it attacks the Aromatase enzyme the effects last for a few days. So dosing every 3.5 days should be good. If it doesn’t do the trick then slowly increase the dose. Stay at new dose for about two weeks to see if it does the trick. A lot of new guys want instant results and end up over using and way over dosing AI and that works against them. The AI needs some time to work then your body needs time to adjust to the new levels then the signs take some time to come through.

I wanted to state something I sort of already stated. Even with long esters like enanthate , decanoate or undecanoate it is always better to take two equal shots per week vs one big one. It’s just easier to manage if you keep your levels as steady as possible. Estrogen, emotional, gains, everything is easier to manage if you keep your levels as steady as possible.

I realize your plan was for 600 mg of each. I just can’t say ok to that without knowing more and even then I wouldn’t just because I know some idiot will read 1200 mg per week on a second cycle and just use it to justify something dumb. In reality I think you would be ok but I just don’t think going over 1000 per week is justifiable this early. Take from me I was always concerned with total mgs and kept things low while friend just drank vials for shots and giggles. I don’t even ask them where they run their gear anymore and for myself, even being cautious that threshold dose has steadily gone up. I use to run around 1500 if I had three different compounds and I did it only every other cycle aka once a year. Even that dose doesn’t get me the returns I use to get. It’s just a fact of this game, as you develope the same dosage has a lower and lower mg to body pound ratio and thus less effective. And that doesn’t even take into account for tolerances and the like.
Go easy you want to be able to successfully run gear for years because being the 50 yo that is jacked and ripped is awesome, 20 something girls will always have daddy issues. Or if you like dudes I bet the 20 something’s have daddy issues too. Plan your game to be that 50 year old. I am still years away but I am already appreciating the looks I get from the young ones.

If you absolutely just had to run it to 1000 you could get a simple test bottle and add I. 200 of test or you could take and extra 1/2 cc of the blend. I don’t think there will be any appreciable difference at the end in regards of test or blend to get you from 800 to 1000. I will say some guys do seem to react to EQ. I don’t but some do so they always run test higher. My theory is the EQ and deca problems are connected to those long as esters, just look at test e vs test p. The enanthate has all these bloating and estrogen sides associated where as the same mg of test p doesn’t.

Okay I have ranted on my tangent enough.

Feel free to ask for clarification, I definitely started and didn’t slow down till now so who knows what will transmit as I intended.


I find this a bit disturbing… why would one want to have sex with another that resembles their father? What the fuck… engrained psychological trauma and/or needing to feel accepted from a figure that resembles the father that wasn’t their during childhood? Either way, having sex with someone like that… is it ethical?

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No need to lie to ya bud. Was 150 start of cycle. Topped out at 207. Been a nice 185 since. Pics to verify if needed although I’d say at 207 I was 10-12 water weight anyways

Dude when you age you realize something that you hate in yourself when you were younger…your dick is not made of Platinum, so enjoy it as it was meant to and those girls you wouldn’t want your buddy to see you with are usually the pent up ones…go unpen that shit.

And yes I don’t think I will ever go around just dicking and running. I would have when I was younger if it was in me. However it is ingrained in girls to seek out older guys it’s just somehow half of them are like that. The ones with Daddy issues give you looks and yes they are usually crazy so don’t fuck crazy but the looks are appreciated. And if you can make a real connection with a younger woman and you are operating from respect, then do it. We all watched some chic we had the hots for get scooped up by an older dude when we were younger. It’s gonna happen. Why not be the guy if you still have not found your soul mate.

In fairness I just did go through a break up and half of that is probably a pep talk just to get me to not isolate or instantly react if some female ingages.

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I am glad this got brought up, I missed it. How tall are you and how old. I am not liking the picture I am getting but if you are old enough then fuck it it is your mistake to make

Super informative. So my first cycLe just test i ran 14weeks. So i don’t think 16 will be that bad for me.l and that’s what i had planned as of rn was to do 16 weeks total so i guess 14 of that will be the EQ/test. 10 of that will be EQ/TEST/PROVIRON and 2 weeks at the end just test and proviron then my PCT 3 weeks after. As of rn I’m thinking I’m going to run it 500-600mg test with 300 mg EQ split into 2 injections every week adding proviron 50mg ed the 6th week in till end of cycle.

In regards to the test being ran after I stop EQ. I meant 1 week but have enough test that I can run 2. I have 5 vials of the 200/200 blend. A vial of 250mg test E and a vial of 400mg test E both on the way as well so I feel like I’m pretty stocked for this cycle.

With the test variations. I was really interested in trying something different but went with test E cuz I’m familiar with it. However I’ve wanted to try cyp and prop. I hear prop can hurt like hell or am i getting those mixed?

Me? I’m almost 30 6’ tall

I’m probably 15-18% BF rn but I eat like SHITTTT to (gonna change)

Im not trying to runs crazy huge cycle. I simply sm not familiar with stacking. Tbh with this being only my 2nd cycle I’m more comfy sitting at a 500/300 test/EQ combo . I don’t need crazy huge gains otherwise I’d have tried decca or something.

My first cycle I was so unprepared. Never been in the gym a day in my life, barely had $ for enough calories( super dirty bulking). But hey it got me to a place I liked. This time I’ve prepped I’ve bought all the best supps, protien, bcaa, eaa, fucking super foods powders and shit. I got a meal plan to clean bulk this time. Good routine planned. If I can run this cycle and go from my 185 and even hit a CLEAN 200 I’ll be happy

I had great results from running a half ass, some would say irresponsible cycle of test my first time so i just wanna amp it up a bit now that i have the know how and the $$ to do it proper

I have to say I see some alarming things in what you said. However you are 30 and paying your own bills, it’s your life so I will try to guide as well as I can with my experience and what you are presenting.

BCAAs are a waist of money. Back when they became the shit and everyone started selling them they all quoted this study well yes bcaa do help but they were injectable BCAAs and oral BCAAs don’t survive or do anything beyond provide some calories as your body digests them. Literally people take them to help burn fat but their body has to digest them before it can burn stored fat so it literally works against you in that situation. Literally the exact opposite of what is advertised.
Now essential amino acids are good to go but not very common.

Good food will do way more than all the supps out there. Even though that bottle of protein costs a lot it doesn’t mean they used quality protein. Put your money towards eggs, go hard boil them then only eat the white part. Hands down the BEST protein on the market and I will bet on it (best for building and developing lean mass).

Proviron is great! It’s awesome! I fucking love it! But unfortunately it might work against you. It has this anti estrogen like effect so they use to use it as an AI but it only works on some of the signs of high estrogen. You could easily use it and cover up the sign that would let you know you have high estrogen. Just be aware. If you are really getting blood work during the cycle then you should be good.
I refer you to the previous statement about going to high of a dose to early. 25mg of proviron should more than take care of you. So save the extra for when you have recovered after PCT and you and the little lady or the big fella (it’s a modern world and I don’t want to assume) are just sitting there minding your own business. Take the extra proviron then, it will kick the old libido up into high gear. I am noticing a lot of my comment is about sex … Time for a hard truth, this is about to be the shittier part after a break up.

All that said have to say effort is what gets you results and supps or gear just help you get a little more. Please don’t go into this expecting the gear or supps to do the heavy lifting, they fucking just won’t.

I would urge you to go adjust your workout and diet until you can make some progress naturally then since you will anyways add in the gear. Don’t try to dial the shit in on the gear, you will just waist time and money. Also look at your long term schedule. I can’t tell you how many times I have either myself or a friend or a guy on here realized they didn’t time their cycle correctly or they were tight and something shifted so they lost two weeks. Thats just me being overly helpful because it’s Saturday and I can’t stop commenting on libido and sex and I am just out of a relationship. Fuck I wish I would let myself drink a beer.

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You’re good bro l. I’m grateful for the tips man. I’m a noob i own that. Better someone tells me I’m being dumb than me fuck up my body (atleast I’m not asking if 500mg of tren a week is considered mild like I’ve seen some do)

I definitely made sure to buy quality protiens. Jym mass gainer, nitro tech which has abunch of added shit like creatine, glutamine, eaa , But yes tons of eggs, fish oils, chicken, rice, oats, even stopped drinking whole milk which i fucking loveeeee and subbed for almond milk… :weary: Which sucks. But whatever. I know any cycle is playing with your body. And I do plan to get blood work I’ve already got my pre cycle done and I’m all on point there.

So far my supp stack is this (since it’s Saturday and you’re bored)

Jym Omega 3 supp
Jym multi
Muscle tech “muscle builder”
Muscle tech “clear muscle”
MTS nutrition “machine greens”
Nutra bio “upsorb”

Rich Piana organ defender (probably don’t need)

Jym pre& post workout blends

Nutrex EAA+hydration

MP combat whey
Muscle tech nitro tech whey peptides and isolate
JYM mass gainer
BSN true mass

And the proviron…it really kicks in that fast I can just pop one now and again huh?.. interesting.

I believe it was 700mg tren that was being touted as mild lol

:clap::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:FUCK. Ya that was it. Plus a host of other
crazy shit . I’m definitely not a regular user. Twice in two years but even I knew that was some off the wall shits from basic research and general hear say

Post pics of the before and after 50 lbs. That would be impressive to see

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It’s all fantasies. The daddy thing is more about giving a man total control and not about sexuallizing their actual father. Some girls really get off on it. If you can make a girl feel comfortable enough to tell you her deepest darkest desires you can rock their world with little effort.

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Weeks 1-14 In chronological.150-152 first pic. By week 12 red shorts was 202/203

Week 1
Week 4
Week 8
Week 12
Week 14