EQ Shutdown & HCG

Hi Guys

was wondering if i could get some direction on the following

im going to be starting a 12 week cycle of 800mg EQ 150mg of test per week this is being done to increase collagen to repair a stuffed tendon which has been causing problems for months and has had the best doctor in the country working on it this is the final process

my question is on average how long after my first injection of EQ will my natural hpta shut down

second is how much hcg should i use and when to start using it ie in which week or from the start at 250iu twice a week or do i need more ,

i have not used EQ or HCG before so its a first

many thanks

There are TONS more knowledgable folks here who will correct me if im wrong, but i have had some experience recently with hcg and hpta function.
The thing is that equipose in my limited experience, it will supress endogenous testosterone if ran alone. Thus using hcg to stimulate hpta would be importatn if you dont run some test with it.

And then if you do run test with it, for any length of time, you will want the hcg for sure.
So all that said, i think 250iu 2 times a week isnt enough based on what i have seen with myself recently.
I was adviced to use 250iu EOD, and it immediatly reacted making life better for me.

So hopefully you will get some good advice, but my novice advice would be shooting the hcg EOD. besides aside from possible estrogen increase i cant find anything about using a small excess of the hcg.
Good Luck with recovery.