I find it interesting that the 25th anniversary of the death of Elvis passed last week with no mention on the forum (excuse me if I missed anything), I am not a fan, but his standing in music history is unquestioned. I read an article that said his catalogue has been mismanaged esp. when compared to The Beatles and that a huge push is coming up in next 12 months including the movie Lilo and Stitch that features Elvis songs. Given this and the success of the Elvis Vs JXL version of “A little less conversation” I suggest we prepare ourselves for the rebirth of Elvismania, that is of course assuming he died in the first place!
…why does everybody keep saying i’m dead???
In 2000 years, they won’t know the difference between Elvis and Jesus. Or will have some crazy beliefs about Elvis. A mythology will spring up. (There is already an Elvis based “religion”. Really!!)