Elitist T-Bastard Society

“I always picture the “general public” as a bunch of slightly below average IQ Wal-Mart shoppers who play the lottery religiously, smoke two packs a day, buy things they see on infomercials, believe everything politicians tell them, and dream one day of being a guest on the Maury Povich show. (Does that make me an elitist bastard? Why yes, it sure does.)”

I happen to agree with this statement. For all others who agree, welcome to the club.

BTW Chris - “below average IQ Wal-Mart shoppers” is redundant. Whenever I get done shopping at Wal-Mart I always come out with two things:

  1. Some type of hygiene product that I ran out of;

  2. A better feeling about myself.

Also relating to the weblog-

What’s going to be the next “low-something” diet craze that some dumbasses put out to make some money? Pretty much the only thing left to be stuck with “low-” is protein!

THAT is scary.

By definition, the general public is of below-average IQ, whether they shop at Wal-Mart or not.

This is because very high IQ scores are significantly less common than very low IQ scores, so the low scores drag the average down faster than the high scores can drag it up.

Since smart people also tend to congregate (in places like, say, a web forum), the general population that you run into every day ends up with an even lower average.

So, statistically, you’re more likely to meet stupid people than smart people. Which tends to be rather convincing evidence of the idea that other people are much, much dumber than you are.

[quote]Brad Ray wrote:
What’s going to be the next “low-something” diet craze that some dumbasses put out to make some money? [/quote]

Low-fiber. You’ll be able to spot the people on it by the way they walk. :wink:

I happen to be a proud card carrying member of that particular society.

Good thread. But I am really too tired to get started on stupid people. They are everywhere, you know.

YES it is okay to be an elitist bastard (T-Bastard or otherwise). I, too, am a card carrying member. Of course you have to be able to back it up. And I’m not talking with the fists and tire irons but with knowledge - it IS power.

I love hearing this: “Who are you to judge?” Ha. F*ck you. I judge the shit out of whatever or whomever. But more often my criticism is inwards. I’m rough on myself BECAUSE I can change me - I don’t usually have the time or energy to apply towards others.

My amigo has a “judgement couch”. It’s awesome. When he has parties, you can view everyone in the house from it. I spend a decent chunk of the night there doing my thing.

Yeah, I can be a prick, but most of the time I am the nicest guy around. We’ll call it my version of being well-rounded. It’s not cool to be all prick all of the time, but it’s a natural way to think and sometimes behave, so don’t keep it bottled up forever. As Dave Chapelle said in a skit, “If there’s hate in your heart - let it out.”

So be as elitist as you want to be.

Bastard F*ck Guy

No it doesn’t make you elitest. That’s the stuff of Bush and Kerry!

The idea that every man are born equal is a very dangerous one …not only is it false but it can lead to tolerance towards dumbness. Which, on an evolutionary standpoint, is unacceptable.

The way I see it, the Low-Carb thing is a good method of cutting fat as long as people don’t get too extreme with it. The rest of the GenPop, on the other hand, is entirely too stupid to use this information correctly. This is perfectly fine with me… The more fatasses there are out there, the better us T-Men (and T-Vixens) look.

Haha. Jessersmack, thats a good way to look at it.

[quote]CDarklock wrote:
By definition, the general public is of below-average IQ, whether they shop at Wal-Mart or not.

This is because very high IQ scores are significantly less common than very low IQ scores, so the low scores drag the average down faster than the high scores can drag it up.[/quote]

This isn’t exactly correct.

Generally, IQ tests are standardized such that a score of 100 is “average”. By scoring above 100, you are scoring as better than average, and by scoring less than 100, you are scoring less than average.

They utilize a bell curve to normalize the scoring, and use standard deviations to break it down into simpler categories (genius, mentally retarded, etc).

Typically, I think bell curves are worthless as often as not, but from what I’ve read, IQ ratings do generally follow the curve fairly closely.

By definition, approximately one half of the population will be above average, and one half of the population will be below average.

Of course, there are a number of different supposedly “official” IQ tests out there, and many of them are entirely worthless. And even if you wish to place stock in them, IQ tests can only measure a very limited range of “intelligence”, and often bears very little association with people’s performance in life.

Oh, yeah, and the way IQ test scores are counted has changed, too. So if you took the test 20 years ago, and took it again today, you could answer the exact same questions the exact same way, and get a different score. Makes sense, eh? :wink: