Elevated T Level from New Diet?

I was diagnosed with low T(170) a year and a half ago. 51 year old Male. I was first prescribed Androgel and hit the mid 300’s with that before I found a clinic when I wan’t improving on the Andro 6 months into it.

Since then it has been once a week injection of 200 Test Cyp, And HCG. Periodic labs prior to weekly injection consistently appeared in the 500’s. I led a sedentary life and was 40 pounds overweight at 233 and hypertensive. My primary doc prescribed Blood pressure meds for this and the T replacement clinic also was conccerned.

I promised my primary that I would reduce my risk factors so I’ll pass on the meds. He noted I had made the same promise before but did not follow through so he insisted on the pills. I took them but resolved to myself I’d live a healthier life so I can toss them away someday.

So I hit the gym before sunrise, ate healthier and moderately, and alternated between HIIT and weight training every other day with 2 rest days per week.

I lost about 25 pounds in 10 weeks. I then gave blood and the t levels where in the upper 900’s. Also I was a day early (Day 6 insted of 7) after receiving my last injection so I was expecting to be it to be a little high instead of the 970 T level that came back. So i can imagine that i was in the 1000’s in the 6 days prior. My T clinic reduced my Test Cyp to 170 due to this.

Is this high level due to positive lifestyle changes? I know I could have easily attributed it to this if I had any natural T left but I believe my body is totally shut down (my LH=0) from self testosterone production. Any insight to this? same dose but double levels all of a sudden? Thanks.

Do you have your original baseline bloodwork levels, and the current one as well ?
Upload if you do. Looking to compare:

Total T
Free T
Fasting Glucose

Also, are you using anything to control T->E2 conversion ?
Reason I ask is high e2 often leads to high BP. Balanced E2 can help lower your BP
and let you ditch the BP meds if you are still taking them. It can also help you to shed
excess water/bloat. Knowing your e2 level by blood work is required before you start
taking an AI.

My theory on the higher T after the weight loss is increased insulin sensitivity,
which can help increase low SHBG (the reason you could only hold a 500 T level).
With higher SHBG more T is held in your body for a longer time, thus the 970 level.

[quote]My theory on the higher T after the weight loss is increased insulin sensitivity,
which can help increase low SHBG (the reason you could only hold a 500 T level).
With higher SHBG more T is held in your body for a longer time, thus the 970 level.

This makes a lot of sense with the epidemic of low T sweeping the nation, and it is coinciding with an epidemic of Diabetes and Fatty Liver Disease / insulin resistance. More science needs to be done to try to link the two. I know in my personal case, my Low-T symptoms occurred exactly in time with my being diagnosed with Fatty Liver.