I was diagnosed with low T(170) a year and a half ago. 51 year old Male. I was first prescribed Androgel and hit the mid 300’s with that before I found a clinic when I wan’t improving on the Andro 6 months into it.
Since then it has been once a week injection of 200 Test Cyp, And HCG. Periodic labs prior to weekly injection consistently appeared in the 500’s. I led a sedentary life and was 40 pounds overweight at 233 and hypertensive. My primary doc prescribed Blood pressure meds for this and the T replacement clinic also was conccerned.
I promised my primary that I would reduce my risk factors so I’ll pass on the meds. He noted I had made the same promise before but did not follow through so he insisted on the pills. I took them but resolved to myself I’d live a healthier life so I can toss them away someday.
So I hit the gym before sunrise, ate healthier and moderately, and alternated between HIIT and weight training every other day with 2 rest days per week.
I lost about 25 pounds in 10 weeks. I then gave blood and the t levels where in the upper 900’s. Also I was a day early (Day 6 insted of 7) after receiving my last injection so I was expecting to be it to be a little high instead of the 970 T level that came back. So i can imagine that i was in the 1000’s in the 6 days prior. My T clinic reduced my Test Cyp to 170 due to this.
Is this high level due to positive lifestyle changes? I know I could have easily attributed it to this if I had any natural T left but I believe my body is totally shut down (my LH=0) from self testosterone production. Any insight to this? same dose but double levels all of a sudden? Thanks.