Egg Whites

I have often read that the body has a rather difficult time digesting egg whites or Raw egg whites… If you cook them will that change the availability of the protien or is there any digestive enzymes that can be taken to assist in absorbing the protien more completley with the raw egg whites?

Anyone ?
And Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:

Interesting, I had heard the exact opposite, that cooking denatures the proteins and reduces their effectiveness.

Do you mean egg whites from the actu egg, or egg whites out of the box?

I googled the question. here is what I found

“Raw egg white contains a protein called “conalbumin” which binds to iron. Additionally, raw egg white contains avidin, which binds to biotin and can impair metabolism of other B-vitamins. Note however that raw egg toxicity should not be overstated: 20 raw eggs per day for several weeks would be necessary to create a biotin deficiency.”

Egg whites are amazing. I drink close to a litre pretty much everyday. However I wouldnt do this if they werent the pasturized ones from the carton.
Do a search on here. There have been numerous posts in the past on this topic.
See Ya

Cooked egg whites have a digestibility of around 90% vs raw egg whites which have a digestibility of around 50%.

Digestibility of Cooked and Raw Egg Protein in Humans as Assessed by
Stable Isotope Techniques

The Journal of Nutrition
Pieter Evenepoel, Benny Geypens, Anja Luypaerts, Martin Hiele, Yvo Ghoos4
and Paul Rutgeerts

Amount and fate of egg protein escaping assimilation in the small intestine of humans

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 277:935-943, 1999.
Rutgeerts and Yvo Ghoos
Pieter Evenepoel, Dirk Claus, Benny Geypens, Martin Hiele, Karen Geboes, Paul Rutgeerts and Yvo Ghoos

Good eating,

A little off topic, but does anyone know if dogs are able to digest raw eggs better than us?

Just curious. I used to have a dog who loved raw eggs, but I started partially cooking them for him just in case (salmonella).

[quote]SWR wrote:
A little off topic, but does anyone know if dogs are able to digest raw eggs better than us?

Just curious. I used to have a dog who loved raw eggs, but I started partially cooking them for him just in case (salmonella).[/quote]

Dogs lick other dogs asses and you’re worried about raw eggs?

How much protein and calories are in the yolk of a jumbo egg?

[quote]Pin_Head wrote:
How much protein and calories are in the yolk of a jumbo egg?[/quote]

No protein and about 40 calories, roughly. All omega 3 fats. And baby chickens.

I especially like their crunchy chick beaks and feet.

[quote]kroby wrote:
Pin_Head wrote:
How much protein and calories are in the yolk of a jumbo egg?

No protein and about 40 calories, roughly. All omega 3 fats. And baby chickens.

Are you sure? I remember reading that half the protein in an egg is in the yolk. I’ll see if I can find something to back that up.

[quote]Pin_Head wrote:
How much protein and calories are in the yolk of a jumbo egg?[/quote]

According to Calories in Egg - The Calorie Counter
55 Calories and 2.7 grams of protien per large egg yolk. As well as 4.5 grams of fat.
See Ya