I have often read that the body has a rather difficult time digesting egg whites or Raw egg whites… If you cook them will that change the availability of the protien or is there any digestive enzymes that can be taken to assist in absorbing the protien more completley with the raw egg whites?
“Raw egg white contains a protein called “conalbumin” which binds to iron. Additionally, raw egg white contains avidin, which binds to biotin and can impair metabolism of other B-vitamins. Note however that raw egg toxicity should not be overstated: 20 raw eggs per day for several weeks would be necessary to create a biotin deficiency.”
Egg whites are amazing. I drink close to a litre pretty much everyday. However I wouldnt do this if they werent the pasturized ones from the carton.
Do a search on here. There have been numerous posts in the past on this topic.
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