[quote]gonta wrote:
Just a couple of points on this:
- Here is an article regarding raw eggs vs cooked eggs that presents a different view of this subject. It is from Dr. Mercola’s website (and don’t bother with the “he only flogs his products” as he is no different from Biotest in this manner)
Dr. Mercola speaking:
.As many of you know, I am a fond proponent of using raw eggs as a major food in your diet.
Raw whole eggs are a phenomenally inexpensive and incredible source of high-quality nutrients that many of us are deficient in, especially high-quality protein and fat.
Eggs generally are one of the most allergic foods that are eaten, but I believe this is because they are cooked. If one consumes the eggs in their raw state the incidence of egg allergy virtually disappears. Heating the egg protein actually changes its chemical shape, and the distortion can easily lead to allergies.
So, if you have not been able to tolerate eggs before you will want to consider eating them uncooked.
But when one discusses raw eggs, the typical reaction is a fear of salmonella. So let me begin this update, my first that comprehensively addresses the immediate concern of nearly everyone who hears this recommendation.
“Well What About Salmonella? Won’t I Get Sick If I Eat Raw Eggs?”
Salmonella is a serious infection, and it is believed that in the US over two-thirds of a million cases of human illnesses a year result from eating contaminated eggs. If you want more information on salmonella the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an excellent page on this disease.
So why on earth would any competent health care professional ever recommend eating uncooked eggs?
When you carefully analyze the risk of contracting salmonella from raw eggs, you will find that it is actually quite low. A study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture earlier this year (Risk Analysis April 2002 22(2):203-18) showed that of the 69 billion eggs produced annually, only 2.3 million of them are contaminated with salmonella.
So simple math suggests that only 0.00003 percent of eggs are infected. The translation is that only one in every 30,000 eggs is contaminated with salmonella. This gives you an idea of how uncommon this problem actually is.
While it is likely that I will consume more than 30,000 eggs in my lifetime, most of you will not. However, inevitably someone out there will find a salmonella-contaminated egg, so it is important to understand how to seriously decrease your risk of infection.
Salmonella infections are usually present only in traditionally raised commercial hens. If you are purchasing your eggs from healthy chickens this infection risk reduces dramatically. Remember, only sick chickens lay salmonella-contaminated eggs. If you are obtaining high quality, cage-free, organically fed, omega-3 enhanced chicken eggs as recommended above, the risk virtually disappears.
But let’s say that for some reason, even after following that advice, you still obtain an egg that is infected. What do you do? Well, before you eat eggs - raw or not – you should thoroughly examine them for signs of infection. I have provided some guidelines at the bottom of this section for you to use in this process.
You might still be a bit nervous and say, “What if I follow these guidelines and still get an infection?”
Salmonella Is Generally a Benign Self-Limiting Illness In Healthy People
The major principle to recognize here is that if you are healthy a salmonella infection is not a big deal. You may feel sick and have loose stools, but this infection is easily treated by using high-quality probiotics that have plenty of good bacteria. You can take a dose every 30 minutes until you start to feel better, and most people improve within a few hours.
Revised Recommendations For Raw Egg Whites
Earlier this summer, I posted an article that suggested that one should not eat raw egg whites. This is the traditional nutritional dogma as raw egg whites contain a glycoprotein called avidin that is very effective at binding biotin, one of the B vitamins. The concern is that this can lead to a biotin deficiency. The simple solution is to cook the egg whites as this completely deactivates the avidin.
The problem is that it also completely deactivates nearly every other protein in the egg white. While you will still obtain nutritional benefits from consuming cooked egg whites, from a nutritional perspective it would seem far better to consume them uncooked.
Since making the recommendation in July, I have more carefully studied this issue. Two groups brought me to back this: pet owners who feed their pets raw foods and Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who wrote the raw food book We Want to Live. Both feel quite strongly that raw eggs are just fine to eat.
After my recent studies it became clear that the egg?s design carefully compensated for this issue.
It put tons of biotin in the egg yolk. Egg yolks have one of the highest concentrations of biotin found in nature. So it is likely that you will not have a biotin deficiency if you consume the whole raw egg, yolk and white. It is also clear, however, that if you only consume raw egg whites, you are nearly guaranteed to develop a biotin deficiency unless you take a biotin supplement.
The following tables list the amounts of biotin in some common foods, as well as recommended daily amounts:
Food Serving Biotin (mcg)
Liver, cooked
3 ounces*
Egg, cooked
1 large
Yeast, bakers active
1 packet (7 grams)
Wheat bran, crude
1 ounce
Bread, whole wheat
1 slice
Cheese, camembert
1 ounce
1 whole
Salmon, cooked
3 ounces*
Cauliflower, raw
1 cup
Chicken, cooked
3 ounces*
Cheese, cheddar
1 ounce
Pork, cooked
3 ounces*
1 cup
Artichoke, cooked
1 medium
Adequate Intake (AI) for Biotin
Life Stage
Males (mcg/day)
Females (mcg/day)
?0-6 months
?7-12 months
?1-3 years
?4-8 years
?9-13 years
?14-18 years
?19 years and older
?all ages
?all ages
There is a potential problem with using the entire raw egg if you are pregnant. Biotin deficiency is a common concern in pregnancy and it is possible that consuming whole raw eggs would make it worse.
If you are pregnant you have two options. The first is to actually measure for a biotin deficiency. This is best done through urinary excretion of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid (3-HIA), which increases as a result of the decreased activity of the biotin-dependent enzyme methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase.
It might take you some time to get used to using raw eggs. I personally have shifted to consuming them “Rocky style” one egg with the yolk intact and swallowing them whole. Usually two eggs at one sitting.
Alternatively, you could have your raw eggs in a protein shake or Living Fuel Rx or take a biotin supplement.
Would like Cy of JB wish to comment on this?
- Let’s not get stuck in the narrow window of thought that cooking something is the only way to go. There are many instances where eating a food raw is superior to its cooked sister and where fermenting the food makes it superior to its raw and cooked brother, etc. etc.
Take soy for example - bad, we all agee but it has been shown that when fermented all the bad elements are eliminated - natto, etc. are extremely healthy ways to consume soy.
Another is yougurt - most of the commercial brands sold are the equivalent of the protein bars sold - junk. Commercial yougurts are pasturized and denatured beyond belief - but making and consuming kefir for example provides you with the real benefits.
So lets not get caught in the chest pounding (read ranting) that cooking and heating this or that is the only way to go. There are definite benefits to BOTH. And BOTH should be included. Just be intelligent about the choice.
So the question still exists: does heating a protein powder deactivate the protein? There is every possibility that it may and I suggest Biotest do a study that clearly demonstrates it does or it does not. Afterall, Grow! is one their major products. So if I am using my precious Grow! in a muffin recipe and i find out that the heating does indeed alter the protein viability I will be non too happy.
Merry Christmas all.[/quote]
Heating egg protein does not increase the allergenic potential of the proteins within, you’d expect just the opposite and in fact, that’s what has been demonstrated.
Hisatomi M, et al. Arerugi. 1991 Dec;40(12):1454-63
Heating milk for 10 minutes also reduces allergenic potential. The argument that heating can change the shape of the protein and yes, physical properties is correct. What is also correct, is the fact that as I said before, it can therefore alter biological activity. In the case of a protein allergen, denaturing, in most cases will decrease allergenic activity, not only by altering the molecule itself, but in some cases making it easier to digest in to smaller fragments. I tried to make this principle clear in my first post.
Is it possible that heating or denaturing a given allergenic protein molecule could result in it being more stable and able to resist digestion, hence creating a greater threat? Entirely, but with regard to egg and milk products, there’s either no effect, or a decrease in activity. That’s a good thing.