Hy All!
After reading tons and tons of pages, articles and studies, I’ve decided to post here.
First, sry if my English is tarsanian
I’m not on TRT, but have problems with my hormon panel. Was competing in BB, had around 10 cycles (moderate doses and durations, nothing extrime).
After last cometiotion May 2014, was pretty overtrained, new job, enormus stress…and after gear stoped circulate, problems started to show up! Blood pressure 160/60, chest pain.
I was scared and had my blood test.
TSH mU/L 2,6 (0,3-5,5)
fT4 pmol/L 12 (9-23,2)
E2 pg/mL 119 (15-47)
-age - 31
-height 5’ 8’’
-waist 36 inches
-weight 220
-Bf 12-14%
-sensitive with DHT, not bold but weak hair since my 15th
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - hips, stomach, general middle area, always been like this.
-health conditions, symptoms
libdo is still decent, althoguh not the same as it used to be.
I’ve tried allmost everything to lower my E2, was sure at that time that E2 is just rebounding. ZMA, Tribulus, Multivitamines, dieting…but my E2 allways stayed high.
I’m fan off pot, and pot helped me to relax at that time, but tried to stay clean, and my tests remained crap.
Tried low carbs, high fats. High carbs, low fats…allways lifting, tried to boost strenght (strenght was increasing, but E2 stayed the same). Then tried not to lift for a 4 month, just live ‘normal’ at that time with no order in diet (ok, E2 was slightly increased)
For last 3 month, was on stict diet, very high in fats, minimum carbs, ZMA, mutlivitamin, DAA, 3-5g C vit. Started with power lifting protocol (strenght improved big time).
At the beginning, my test was:
E2 pg/mL 133 (15-47)
Test ng/mL 2,9 (3-10)
After 6 weeks of my protocol, test was:
E2 pg/mL 77 (15-47)
Test ng/mL 4,3 (3-10)
Prolactin mU/L 226 (50-360)
HDL mmol/L 0,9 (0,8 - 1,9, desired up to 1,6)
LDL mmol/L 5,7 (up to 4,9, desired up to 3,4)
Total chol mmol/L 7 (up to 6,2, desired up to 5,2)
triglycerides mmol/L 1 (up to 2,3, desired up to 1,7)
Iron micromol/L 16,9 (11-27)
It seemed that everything goes like it should be. Was feeling much better. No Chest pain, my libido was better, less tired…in short - happy.
Then, 6 weeks after my test was CREP again:
E2 pg/mL 223 (15-47)
Cortisol nmol/L 599 (154-638)
Test ng/mL 3,8 (3-10)
Free test pg/mL 5 (2,6 - 9,8)
FSH U/L 6,6 (2-15)
LH U/L 3,5 (0,4-15)
SHBG nmol 14 (13-71)
TSH mU/L 1,88 (0,3-5,5)
T3 nmol/L 1,9 (1,2-2,8)
T4 nmol/L 103 (55-152)
HDL mmol/L 1 (0,8 - 1,9, desired up to 1,6)
LDL mmol/L 6,6 (up to 4,9, desired up to 3,4)
Total chol mmol/L 8,1 (up to 6,2, desired up to 5,2)
triglycerides mmol/L 1,1 (up to 2,3, desired up to 1,7)
Iron Micromol/L 17,7 (11-27)
Again pot off, 9 day later:
E2 was 131
And 2 day after that:
E2 was 163
Have no idea what could be the couse off E2 swings…thats is almost unbelievable and not sure that my current results can give the right condition.
Can my cortisol level swing E2, something else ACTH perhaps…have no clue what to do, but not beleived that doc could help (last one, defintly couldn’t…bot!).
Maybe with all this new tests, I’ll try with endocrinologist again.
Sry for long post, it was a long ride.