I seem to be an over-responder to literally everything and crashed my E2 taking 1mg Aromasin EOD. My last dose was 8 days ago. Should my aromatase have recovered yet? If I’m honest i don’t feel any different from when it was crashed. But I want to be well clear of any suppression before i get another blood test. My bloods are attached. Taken on trough day. I’ve told my doctor about that prolactin result and he’s calling me in a few weeks. That’s a mystery seeing as my E2 was low.
I have also lowered my HCG to a tiny 125iu E3D as my LH was too high.
My T is cyp, 12.5mg EOD. Any higher than that and my free T is too high.
Yeah. I was surprised my LH was that high at 125 EOD but I’m in the UK and I think my test is the type that mistakes HCG for LH, anyone know what I’m talking about?
Although to be fair in the past when I’ve been injecting without hcg i have been showing a little LH/FSH and the TRT doc couldn’t explain it.
I might have had a little Metoclopramide in my system when i took that test, which raises prolactin a but but probably not that much. I think my doctor is going to call me because i gather i may need to be checked for prolactinoma…
I mean, I’m 9 days off aromasin now is it worth titrating my hcg again or shall i just try and stick with this protocol abd see if i can get by without an AI?
Conclusions: Sustained improvement in sexual function after 12 months of tadalafil administration is associated with increased T:E ratio mainly related to reduction of E levels. We hypothesize that androgen-estrogen cross-talk and possible inhibition of aromatase activity during chronic exposure to tadalafil might have a role in the regulation of erectile function.
Thanks! And i know i have no adverse reaction to tadalafil. I’m around 10 days off Aromasin and this morning had pretty strong morning wood and today first solid erections in a really long time although i can almost feel myself already passing that sweet spot and starting to aromatise too much. I’m going to arrange another blood test asap.