So, post flood, were finally at the stage of hanging sheetrock. My father gave me a hand for the vast majority of the first floor, and I think I understand it well enough to finish it myself. Unfortunately he found himself having to move about 900 miles away on extremely short notice.
However, I’ve never touched sheetrock before, and unfortunately I wont have any physical training on mudding. I’ve watched a laundry list of videos, and I’ve spoken with a few people about it. Hiring someone to do it is absolutely out of the question, I have to save as much money as possible. (I’ll explain later).
To my understanding:
Many light coats is substantially better than a few heavy coats.
Dont over think it.
Dont be a cheap ass and buy the tools to make it easier.
I’m looking at buying:
-6, 8, 10, and 12 inch puddy knives.
-the mud
-mixing tray
-drywall tape
-corner bead
-sanding pole, sanding blocks, and a large gripper hand sander
-a brush of sorts
For joints: slap that shit on the joints, tape, scrape. Repeat for several layers, feathering out. (All beveled, so there shouldn’t be many/any square joints) less is more, dont kill yourself sanding later.
For inside corner: repeat
For outside corner: do I tape that as well, or just mud over the corner bead?
Is this a decent assessment?
What are some tips? (Even commonly known ones. Like I said, never done this)
Regarding the cheapness, were actually renting this house, got flooded, no flood insurance, not in a flood zone, owner cant practically afford the remodel and keep rent the same. Going to buy the house, all the labor is coming off the top, hopefully making mortgage cheaper than rent. All appliances will be new, still not in a flood zone due to a mistake on the city maintenance side leading to the flooding, so the flood insurance wont be ridiculous. Great neighborhood, 1/4m from work, nice house. It’s a dream come true short of Florence being a dick. Thanks for any advice guys!