Hey all,
So now that I’ve got a sunday evening to myself, school seems to have died down a bit i can take the time to type out out a well thought out message.
First off, let me address this:
People don’t realize that it’s a tiny bit of a ‘ fuck you ’ to everybody who helped them in the past, especially when the same people are going to spend their time giving the same advice to someone who’s heard it before.
I mean, it’s not so much that (in this case). It’s just that there was literally zero reason for him to pop up with a new account.
I made a new account because as @flappinit correctly guessed,
just wanted a fresh start or to distance himself from past stuff - doesn’t seem like a particularly harmful or toxic person,
I made the account on my 18th birthday because I thought it would be cool to have an account which anniversery date matched my real birthday (SUPER SILLY I KNOW)…I dont get a lot of happy birthdays anyways I absolutely did not mean any disrespect, and I am sorry if it came off that way. In fact, the reason why I came back here was because you guys’ advice was constantly in the back of my mind. So I am greatful for your advice, however i definitely did a poor job as members feel disrespected and I am sorry
so I absolutely did not mean to troll you all and
confuses people by thinking you’re brand new to the site and haven’t already gotten tons and tons of great advice under your previous account.
in fact, I kind of wanted to avoid this whole mess by creating a new account because by posting under the same one, then you guys would know for sure it was me and would also feel disrespected knowing i hadn’t followed advice…
so it really boils down to : i wanted an account which cake day matched my real 18th b-day, and to signal a “new beginning” for me. A very silly reason, and it wasn’t to try and confuse anyone or cause any disrespect so i am sorry.
I will be honest though, it was kind of a real bummer as I had waited months to do it and it got banned… i remember the first couple of days being excited to post on here. sometimes we have weird superstitions and to be honesltI don’t really wanna post on here with this username or this account…as it doesn’t have the same “feeling”… Getting @DrKolagani back would make me ecstatic and would light up my entire life…i guess its silly to get this worked up over a username and an account but ive always been weird like that lol so i guess if that’s what the mods decide to do then thats just how its gonna be… unless there’s a change of heart from the mods I guess im out of luck and this is goodbye…life sometimes goes that way i guess. It means so much to me that I’d donate 10$ to everyone that felt offended just to have my old account back, I don’t know why i care so much but…
but i want to sincerely thank you all for your advice and please know i did not ignore it…i will try to tag all the users involved @flappinit @Chris_Colucci @bulldog9899 @RampantBadger @dagill2 @Cyrrex @ChickenLittle @T3hPwnisher @boilerman. I did message @T3hPwnisher somewhere else too a while back i think…
if you guys want to talk for a bit with any questions since this is very poorly worded before i probably leave this site, since i think DrKolagani is dead, ill be here for a bit to answer…least i could do
Regardless, I hope you all and your families stay safe and healthy during this time, even tho it kind of sucks i dont have any ill will if you guys do decide to ban my other account.