Tuesday (4/29):
Deads: 5/5/5+
5 at 375#
5 at 435#
5+ at 490#
Notes: Got 9 at 490# - video below. RPE 8.5. Thought this was a bump from last 5+ cycle, until I looked back and realized I went off program and bumpted it to 490 a month ago, without noting it on my sheet. Oh well, ties my best at 490#. Again, felt pretty damn good today, work has been crazy busy and stressing me out lately, so it is nice to be able to unleash some of this nervous/anxiety energy. Probably could have sqeezed out 1-2 more.
Deficit Deads - 5x5 at 375# - 3" deficit
Pause Squats - 3x5 at 340# - 2 second pause
DB Curls - 3x10 at 65# bells
Hammer Strength Preacher Curls - 3x10 at 100#
490# x 9