Hi guys, first time poster here. I am 31 years old and when last tested in 2015 when I was 28, I was at 460 ng/dl. Decided not to explore TRT at that time.
I went for full bloods today at a doctor in NYC. I can provide name if anyone is wondering. I am supposed to go back Monday for results, and as I was leaving the doctor mentioned how if I come back low, he can put me on a plan where he administers a shot once every 10 weeks.
This sounds a lot like Aveed (Test U) to me, and if it is, I’ve read enough about the half-life issues/crashing that comes with it to know I do not want it, at least not at every 10 week frequency. Do you all agree, or is there some other “every 10 week” shot I don’t know about that isn’t Test U?
Finally, if anyone has a worthwhile doctor in NYC, I’d love to hear about it. Thanks very much.
Long esters are garbage for TRT.
Sounds like you’ve already read plenty.
(He plan$$$$ to admini$$$ster a $$$shot)
Should have asked him how much each office visit was going to cost.
What’s his name?
Try Dr Michael Rotman. Urology. He does my trt.
Btw I went to an appointment to an Endo for my wife and I saw pamphlet on aveed. I questioned her and she said all her patients are happy on it and they don’t get the ups and downs. She claims people switched from t cyp to aveed and were happy. Drs inject aveed cause it’s a very thick oil. After injection you need to sit in Drs office 30 min to make sure you get no blood clots.
Btw am on self injections. T cyp
Doctor Michael Aziz, although I met with another doctor in the office and not with Aziz himself.
The doctor agreed to waive my copay to go over results, so I’ll probably go back Monday to get the results and thank them for their time and never go back.
Whats your protocol with Rotman? Does he monitor E2 at all? Also, I want to have kids in the next 18 months so I am paranoid about lowering sperm count. I’d love if Rotman could help with that. When I asked doctor about that today and mentioned hCG or other fixes, he dismissed it by saying that only happens to Test “abusers” who go way beyond the recommended dose for an extended period of time, which I know is not entirely true.
Yes. Rotman will check sperm count if you want and e2 for sure.
He actually stocks HCG in office. He gets from compound pharmacy.
I am on 90 mg a week split in 2. He prescribes me 200 mg vial a week cause that what my insurance approved. So I was able to experiment with my dose. Did as much as 108mg but right now feel best and labs great at 90. He will order any lab you want.
Very promising to hear. I’ll likely take my labs to Rotman once I get them back and see what he can offer. I have a friend who is a pro BB who can get me unlimited Test Cyp on a day’s notice, but its the sperm count/wanting children issue that keeps me from foregoing the docs and self-administering.
Do you know if Rotman takes insurance? Not a deal breaker, but figured I would ask. Thanks for the help.
He takes insurance. He has a website Michael Rotman urology.
Keep us posted
Thanks for the reply. I agree, looks like an attempt at a money grab for them. Shame.
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Nebido is no good, you start out high and end up low by week 10. It’s best to inject Cypionate 2 or more times a week to keep levels stable.
Doctors make a lot more money administering Nebido than allowing you to inject at home, nebido is good for your doctor and not good for you.
T-mills are all about emptying your wallet, most staff incompetence. Find an anti aging clinic or sports medicine clinic.
Yort personally I dislike the idea of and doubt the effectiveness of nebido/aveed. The undecanoate ester takes a few shots to build up to physiologic levels leaving the individual still in a hypogonadal state for the first few months of treatment. Even then, injection intervals give you physiologic levels of testosterone (at low normal, say 500ng/dl) for 1-2 months before one is possibly left in an androgen deficient state for the remaining month or two prior to the next injection. I saw a clinical trial on nebido in which 1000mg every SIX weeks adequately managed to replace testosterone without massive fluctuations in hormonal levels, however given that injection intervals are between 10-14 weeks I don’t believe it is the best route to go.
This is bullshit, blasting 500mg vs chronically replacing androgen deficient levels of testosterone should both be equal in terms of suppression of the HPTA, when one takes an anabolic agent at a dose higher than what their body would produce naturally (say you take enough test to get you to 800ng/dl but you naturally produced 200ng/dl) your body almost entirely shuts off it’s own natural testosterone production via a negative feedback loop from the anterior pituitary (LH and FSH production severely limited/ stopped) to the testis (LH and FSH stimulate the testis to produce intratesticular testosterone as well as spermatogenesis), your body can only produce so much T naturally, and in an androgen deficient state the amount isn’t much, when one injects exogenous T in an amount more than the body would naturally produce the body realises it doesn’t need to keep producing test as it has a source regardless (this is a fairly simplified explanation if you want more detailed explanation I can give one). A very small amount of natural testosterone should still be produced via the adrenals even when shut down. However testosterone isn’t a reliable contraceptive for some reason, many people on heavy cycles still get their significant others pregnant. Spermatogenesis will usually return (possibly not to previous state) after TRT is ceased, if your hypogonadism is primary then your fertility is most likely comprimised and HCG will not help if the cause of hypogonadism is a problem directly related to the testis.
Here is a graph showcasing concentrations of reandron at each given week at the 1st and 13th injection. If your target is for low-normal testosterone levels then you may be satisfied with the product.
Hey guys, posted here about a month ago describing T levels and a doctor in NYC who was pushing me towards Aveed. Bloodwork came back 488 ng/ml with 86 Free T. I asked for a second set of labs, this time they came back 412 ng/ml and 73 Free T.
Thanks to research and thanks you all, I already know to say no to the Aveed. I am also skeptical of the doctor, since they’ve given me misinformation leading up to this - specifically, that replacement level doses would never leave me with low sperm count and how that “only happens to Test abusers who go way beyond the recommended dose for an extended period of time”, which I know is not entirely true. This is especially important for me as I want to have kids in the next 18 months.
So given my predicament, I am here with 2 questions I hope you guys can help me resolve:
Is 488/86 and 412/73 truly Low T for a 31 year old to the point where I should be looking to start TRT?
If the answer to 1 is yes, given that this doctor has proven untrustworthy, should I cut him out altogether and start myself on 200/mg per week Test Cyp which I can get on a moment’s notice from a pro bodybuilder friend? If so, is this a high enough dose that I need to worry about E2 or get on an AI right away, or can I afford to start and monitor the symptoms as time goes on?
I appreciate all of your help, you guys have been a godsend.
President Trump is scoring similar to you, you’re 31 and he’s 72. SHBG is measured and a protocol is designed around that number, you have not been properly evaluated.
If you must start TRT 100mg weekly is a good starting point, but the injection frequency will be determined by your SHBG value. Most find success injecting 2 or more times a week.
You have no idea what you’re doing, I would find a knowledgeable doctor to treat you.
Thanks. Finally got full lab report back - SHBG was 39 on 7/26 and 38 on 7/31. I wish I could find a knowledgeable doctor, but it seems everyone around my area is a scammer, like the doctor I went to see trying to get me on the Aveed. I understand its difficult to help me with the limited information, but I appreciate you taking the time to give it a look.
Aveed is great for your doctor, it brings him a large profit for administering it. It can seem like every doctor is scamming you when in reality most have no clue what their doing, any doctor suggesting Aveed just hasn’t been doing this TRT thing for long. If he had been doing this for awhile, he would have come to the conclusion Nebido just doesn’t work out well for most men.
Why don’t you give Defy Medical a call, they offer telemedicine. Dr Saya has been doing TRT and thyroid and more for decades.