Douches Owned by Star Wars Geeks!

Don’t know if this has been posted, but even if it has, it deserves a second look. I love the last few seconds as the punks are hauling ass, a Star Wars guy yells, “go back to Hot Topic, you bitch!” Too sweet.

BWAHAHA! He fucking dropped that kid. Little bastards kept talking shit too. Kids like that need run over by a car.

I love the “he’s half your age!” … uh he should be able to win a fight with a 40 year old, thier about at thier peak, while a 40 year old is somewhat past that.

Did anyone catch what someone said right before he goes “there’s a supporter, lucky for him?”

[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
I love the “he’s half your age!” … uh he should be able to win a fight with a 40 year old, thier about at thier peak, while a 40 year old is somewhat past that.

Did anyone catch what someone said right before he goes “there’s a supporter, lucky for him?”[/quote]

I know, right? They sound like the punk is 10 and the Star Wars guy is 20. A lot of hot air until the smacketh is layeth down.

That guy is lucky he didn’t get knifed or shot.

Punching a guy in the face for talking some smack? Are you kidding? You can tell Star Wars geek felt real cool after that one.

[quote]oboffill wrote:
That guy is lucky he didn’t get knifed or shot.

Punching a guy in the face for talking some smack? Are you kidding? You can tell Star Wars geek felt real cool after that one. [/quote]

he deserves his moment of cool.

[quote]oboffill wrote:
That guy is lucky he didn’t get knifed or shot.

Punching a guy in the face for talking some smack? Are you kidding? You can tell Star Wars geek felt real cool after that one. [/quote]

You’re saying those douchers didn’t deserve a serious lesson in humility?

[quote]oboffill wrote:
That guy is lucky he didn’t get knifed or shot.

Punching a guy in the face for talking some smack? Are you kidding? You can tell Star Wars geek felt real cool after that one. [/quote]

Uh, sometimes beating the shit out of some skinny delusional assholes is the only way to get them to STFU.

That fag-ass punk got dropped! Nice

I went to summer camp with the kid that got punched in the head.

[quote]oboffill wrote:
That guy is lucky he didn’t get knifed or shot.

Punching a guy in the face for talking some smack? Are you kidding? You can tell Star Wars geek felt real cool after that one. [/quote]

The kid touched him first. He deserved to get his douche ass face punched in. I don’t feel sorry at all for little punks that run around running their mouth because they think they are so much better than everyone else.

You’ve got to be able to let shit slide and not let it get to you, but sometimes you need to kick a little ass. In this situation, I think ass kicking was warranted.

[quote]DemiAjax wrote:
I went to summer camp with the kid that got punched in the head. [/quote]

Please tell us that you did the same! :wink:

Seriously though, those punks are idiots and deserved to get owned like that.

decent, but he should have sefinitelt hit the taller guy and the girl too

Funny stuff, i would’ve punched him long before then though.

For some reason, that mouthy girl reminds me of the short fat Dixie Chick.

I thought that stupid punk look went out in the 80’s. That dude got crushed and none of his friends did anything.

That was a pretty sweet shot, took it right out’ve those fuckers. Sad thing is that in this day and age people are so protected that they think it is fine to run their mouths like a bunch of fucking morons without repercusions…respect for one another is at an all time low.

[quote]slimjim wrote:
That was a pretty sweet shot, took it right out’ve those fuckers. Sad thing is that in this day and age people are so protected that they think it is fine to run their mouths like a bunch of fucking morons without repercusions…respect for one another is at an all time low.[/quote]


I think the force was with that guy one guy…

[quote]oboffill wrote:
That guy is lucky he didn’t get knifed or shot.

Punching a guy in the face for talking some smack? Are you kidding? You can tell Star Wars geek felt real cool after that one. [/quote]

talking smack to people standing in a line to feel cool - THAT guy is the one who is lucky he didnt get shot or stabbed.

… seriously if youre going to lecture people on the “you never know hwo has a gun, so you better not do anything to offend anyone, ever” approach, then theyre both lucky htat this didnt escalate further. The punk rocker got what he deserved

oh, and to the guy who asked what the passerby said right before the interviewee said “a supporter, lucky for him” he said “may the force be with you”

[quote]PGJ wrote:

I thought that stupid punk look went out in the 80’s. That dude got crushed and none of his friends did anything. [/quote]

Unfortunately, for all of us, it’s coming back. It’s an off-shoot of the girl=pant wearing emo clucks mixed with that 80’s Whiskey-A-Go-Go look. Vince Neil should feel so proud.