Dosing Enclomiphene on TRT+


I’m currently on Testosterone Cypiante 300mg/week doing daily administration. I’m also administering 100mg/week Nandrolone Decanoate. I take .25mg anastrozole EOD. I’ve been on TRT for just over one year now and have never been comfortable being shutdown. I wanted to start taking enclomiphene to regain testicular function and raise my T levels at the same time. I see many clinics dose it at 12.5mg EOD and one that doses at 50mg EOD. Is 50mg EOD too much? Also, if I wanted to stop the enclomiphene at some point and return to my TRT pre-enclomiphene T levels, any idea how long that would take?


Fred, just being honest that’s not TRT that’s a scripted steroid cycle. Have you ever thought about trying true TRT? I bet you would feel better with optimal T levels versus extremely high plus Nandrolone side effects.

As far as your Serm goes, you need to wait for the T and Nand combo to clear your system before you start the recovery process. Nandrolone has a loooong half life so it’s about 3-4 weeks for T Cyp clearance and almost 6 weeks for Nandrolone.

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300 mg of test per week is hardly considered TRT.

First of all, on Test injections, enclomiphene won’t do anything to increase hormone levels, or do much else.

If you want to decrease your hormone levels, reduce your TRT/cycle dosage.

TRT isn’t a set and forget therapy, your hormones will change and mileage will vary from time to time even while remaining on the same dosage.

This is going to be one of the worst TRT protocols I’ve seen in a while! A small cycle, AI and a SERM, typical of a clinic that is clueless!

Try not to think about it too much, there’s no point is worrying about it. If your HPTA is no longer able to get the job done, you shouldn’t care it’s closer to being useless.

You use 400 mg total of testosterone and a testosterone derivative. You’re not on TRT.

The day you stop enclomiphine you go back to TRT. When you stop it, you will be shut down again.

Even though I’m currently shutdown, won’t the FSH and LH created as a result of the Enclomiphene prompt my testicles to make testosterone even though I’m still on exogenous testosterone?

No, TRT has a very strong suppression effect on the HPTA, clomid won’t do sh**, unless on something like Natesto,


Usually HCG is used with TRT. I thought you meant you’d take a break from steroids, use enclomiphine, then go back on.

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That’s what I thought too

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Nope. Cos you won’t make any LH/FSH. It’s not strong enough to overcome the suppression from exogenous steroids. You can check this yourself but getting LH/FSH checked via blood work. If you do, let us know the results. Could also get a sperm test done. It will be near zero.

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How long after starting the clomiphene should I wait to get bloodwork to check my levels?

6-8 weeks


I reduced my Test Cyp dosage to 112mg/week and Anastrozole .25mg twice per week. I have been also taking 12.5mg Enclomiphene Citrate three days per week and .4cc HCG twice per week. After six weeks at these dosages I had the blood test and my results showed no positive influence what so ever. The HCG didn’t seem to boost my Testosterone level at all and the Enclomiphene didn’t appear to help my pituitary create any FSH or LH.

Total Testosterone: 622 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 223.3 pg/mL
FSH: Less than 0.7 mIU/mL
LH: Less than 0.2 mIU/mL
Estradiol: 38 pg/mL

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Hey, thank you for checking LH/FSH and reporting back! This is another good data point to have to show the SERMs are not effective while on TRT

Would increasing the dose of Enclomiphene Citrate trigger the Pituitary to create LH & FSH? Other than coming off TRT is there something else that would work such as some other medication? And why isn’t the HCG doing anything? It doesn’t seem to be triggering my own production of test. If it is, it appears to be negligible.

Response to Enclomiphene and hCG is highly variable, but for someone on TRT/injections, enclomiphene is a fools errand.

I would increase hCG to 500 IU (.5 cc) twice per week and stop the Enclomiphene if you haven’t already, as it may block some of the benefits of TRT and add no benefits.

Sorry, I forgot to mention I was also taking 20mg Oxandralone sub-lingual pre workout only on days I was lifting which is four days per week. I don’t know if Oxandrolone has any influence on the effects of the HCG and Enclomiphene. I stopped the Oxandrolone back on Dec 3rd. My next blood test is mid January which will be roughly six weeks after stopping the Oxandrolone.

I doubt raising the dose will do anything.

HCG is mimicking the LH signal to your balls, but you still have HPTa suppression from the injected testosterone you’re taking. A low dose of HCG just isn’t going to push the needle much.

What dose and frequency of HCG would be needed to keep my testicles going and maintain size?