i already have high anxiety so i’m worried supplementing with test will make it worse. is this common?
Hell yeah. I get anxious about whether I’m gonna be too big or not, and whether or not my testicles can handle all that extra power. (Insert Tim Allens laugh from Home Improvement)
Actually, I have heard this but have never spoken to anyone who experienced it. Why are you so anxious in the first place? Chill.
My two cents would be Yes. I noticed an ancrease in anxiety on my last round of Alpha Male. I asked a friend of mine who is a psychiatrist (and has some experience with aas) and he said that it is a possability.
The common sense solution was this- If it does that, don’t do that.
[quote]TrainerinDC wrote:
Why are you so anxious in the first place? Chill. [/quote]
Dude, its not exactly the easiest thing in the world for everyone. If you’re able to stay calm almost all the time, consider yourself lucky.
To the OP, I’ve never heard of it, but I’m definitly not counting against it considering hormomones control more or less everything. You should definitly talk to your doctor (or whoever you get meds from, if you do) or your psych if you have one about it first. Keep them informed about it.
Oh, also since this is in the steroids forum… I’m guessing you’re talking about taking test, not a test booster like Alpha Male or TRIBEX.
You could give either of those a shot first, to see how those make you feel.
The test booster suggestion is not a bad idea. I will say I’ve yet to hear, or can’t recall anyone ever saying that taking a “sane” dose of just test giving them any issues. I’m sure it’s possible but I don’t think it’s that likely if you keep your dose on the low to moderate sides. The thing that might catch you acting jerky is when your estrogen/test levels get out of whack SO using an AI is always reccomended. Then coming off with a test taper like P-22 suggests should really minimize the chance of feeling any type of crash. Also if you’re a very high strung/stressball of a person on think for whatever reason you cortisol levels might run on the higher side. Try using around 800-1000 mg PS with your pct, also Retain and other similar products work well for lowering cortisol levels.
I’d also add, if anxiety is a real issue for you then avoid tren and mod to higher doses of eq. I know alot of guys will question me on the EQ thing but I’ve seen it come up on the list of shit people are using when they have anxiety attacks will using aas. Could be coincidence and me condeming a great aas. However, I think if you dont’ use a boatload it’s not likely to be an issue.
I have delt with certain levels of anxiety in my life time. Chronic anxiety is usually a response from other factors. eg. Depression and stress being the two most common ones. To the OP i have ran various levels of test. Since testosterone is known to increase your sense of wellbeing as well as lower cortisol levels, I have always found I am much happier while “ON”. And experience little or no anxiety. It was when i came off that anxiety got much worse. This was due to the rollercoaster ride of hormone fluctuations that were going on. However like said above tapering really helped me in those aspects. If you are serious about aas and are still concered. I would run a cycle of 500-600mg of test a week only. See how your body responds and then complete a nice tapered pct.
[quote]WideGuy wrote:
The test booster suggestion is not a bad idea. I will say I’ve yet to hear, or can’t recall anyone ever saying that taking a “sane” dose of just test giving them any issues. I’m sure it’s possible but I don’t think it’s that likely if you keep your dose on the low to moderate sides. The thing that might catch you acting jerky is when your estrogen/test levels get out of whack SO using an AI is always reccomended. Then coming off with a test taper like P-22 suggests should really minimize the chance of feeling any type of crash. Also if you’re a very high strung/stressball of a person on think for whatever reason you cortisol levels might run on the higher side. Try using around 800-1000 mg PS with your pct, also Retain and other similar products work well for lowering cortisol levels.
I’d also add, if anxiety is a real issue for you then avoid tren and mod to higher doses of eq. I know alot of guys will question me on the EQ thing but I’ve seen it come up on the list of shit people are using when they have anxiety attacks will using aas. Could be coincidence and me condeming a great aas. However, I think if you dont’ use a boatload it’s not likely to be an issue.[/quote]
wideguy gives some great info here. What alot of guys don’t want to believe is the fact that higher than normal levels of testosterone will affect your nuerotransmitter levels and can cause issues with those prone to anxiety and/or depression. It all depends on the individual but most often excessive test resulting in high estradiol levels will cause anxiety in those prone to it, thus the need for the AI as WG suggested, this is critical for those with anxiety.
On the other end of the cycle the raise in testosterone generally will cause a raise in dopamine levels which will concurrently cause serotonin to rise resulting in a mild anti-depressant effect, this is why low levels of test are often associated with depression in middle age. The problem lies in withdrawing the compound to hastily causing these same nuerotransmitter levels to drop excessively resulting in a state of depression (sometimes severe), this is why so many suffer the post cycle blues to one degree or another.
P-22’s strategy of the test taper would be highly advisable to prevent this. As a matter of fact i recently (last year) worked with a drug addiction specialist that followed an almost identical protocol to get me clean for the first time in over 10 years. It was not easy since i have a pre-existing condition (depression) but the long slow approach to tapering down definetly saved me alot of mental pain.
So many guys discount these theories mainly because they are lucky enough to not be prone to such issues or they have not cycled long or heavy enough to really effect their brain chemistry. I will PM you a link to a great series of comments from another web site about anxiety in relation to testosterone.
What is PS to lower cortisol levels?