Hello everyone,
this is my first post here.
Quick background: I’m a 25 yo male. I have been feeling fatiqued/low energy and lethargic for a long while (years). I work out in the gym with a lot of dedication and I have a good clean diet and sleep and supplement well. However, I have not been getting the results I wanted… progress is slow and I seem to quickly lose the mass I gain (also unable to maintain mass while cutting).
So, I decided to get my T and other hormones checked a few months ago. Total T was low normal, nothing problematic but still quite low for my age. However, free T was even lower in comparison probably due to fairly high SHGB levels. Early morning measurement:
TT: 5,2 ng/ml (2.5 - 8.4)
FT: 88.9 pg/ml (57.00 - 178)
SHGB: 48.10 nmol/l (14.5 - 48.40)
Note: At around 11 am my TT was only about 3.8 ng/ml but I assume this is still semi-normal; Free T would have been drastically low at this point. I also had a bunch of other stuff/hormones checked, everything else seemed fairly normal.
I finally found an endo willing to prescribe TRT in the form of sustanon (no cyp/enth available here). He told me to inject once every three weeks, 250mg. However, I intend to inject about 80 mg’s every week to maintain stable blood levels.
Now to the point: the problem is that he was unwilling to prescribe me hCG and Arimidex. He feels that hCG is not necessary for therapeutic doses and will only subscribe Arimidex once my E2 goes out of range.
I read the TRT protocol sticky and I assume it is best that I use small doses of Arimidex from the start? Same goes for hCG?
If he is unwilling to prescribe then I will probably have to buy Arimidex and hCG online without a prescription. However, how can I be sure that I buy from reliable sources? Can anyone give some advice regarding this issue?