[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
Nich wrote:
hypnotoad wrote:
Nich wrote:
another was I was going about 30 mph and saw a coyote running along side of me in the dirt.
I sped up and he sped up.
then he stood up,he stood up on 2 legs and started running about 45mph or so. I then ended up off the road into a ravine because this thing ran into me which threw me off the road.
did he have an Acme rocket strapped to his back?
I am being very serious. heres the veiw from the tow truck I had to get to fetch the car out of the ravine.
in native folk lore we call them Yee-naaldlooshii
or “those that walk on all fours” oe " they go on all fours"
navajo is a weird language with so many meanings for one word anyway
some people call them skinwalkers,
and I am going to leave this thread alone now after explaining myself because this is the only thing that scares the shit out of me and I dont want to risk having any come around here.
Thanks for sharing that story. Even though I tend to be skeptical about everything, I also have a deep respect for the old traditions and beliefs.[/quote]
Same here. The links are all very interesting.
I haven’t really had any experience with the supernatural, myself. Of course, I’ve heard many stories, much like the Ouija board tales related here.
One of my mother’s boyfriends apparently had quite the experience with one, it scared him so much he would never tell me about it. What I don’t understand, however, is how a piece of wood manufactured by the Monopoly people can hold such frightening power. Seems off to me. I suppose I should get some people together and try it out myself.
The closest thing I have to relate is in the last house I lived in, there seemed to be some rather strange happenings. It was an old house, somewhat beaten up, naturally we got a good price for it, like any ghost-story house.
Before we moved in, while we were still working on it a bit, taking down wallpaper and such, we would stop by a few times every week to work. One such visit, we (my family and I) were greeted by a flood. The bathtub on the second floor had overflowed, and the water was rushing down the stairs, leaking through the ceiling, and what else.
What was strange was that there was no burst pipe or anything, only the water tap had been turned to full-blast, like someone was drawing a bath. The door had been and remained locked, as far as we knew, we were the only ones with a key, and all the windows were locked and secure, nothing was missing, etc., so the idea that someone came in somehow, only to run the bath and leave without a trace, seemed implausible. There were other things that happened when we first moved in that all seemed to say ‘You’re not wanted here’, various malfunctions or breakages or hiccups, things like that.
The basement was very creepy. It was old, unfinished, and there was a separate room, off to the side, that had a dirt floor and no apparent use. I never once set foot into that little dirt room, it just felt evil. Of course, it did remind me of the red room in the Amityville Horror, which probably had something to do with it. My mother never liked that house, either.
Do I believe in the supernatural? I can’t really say I do. Western science-based culture says no, but an equal number of other cultures say yes. Which is right? It seems to me that it is equally likely as not, of course, as people will tend to see what they want to see.