I’m sorry for the spelling I’m not an English speaker, I’m from Spain
I am 29 years old, since I was 15 I suffer from depression, brain fog, social anxiety.
I do not have libido, and I have erectile dysfunction.
I do not have a closed beard, just a mustache.
I hardly have hair on my chest and back.
My biggest concern is that my penis and my testicles are very small, especially the testicles.
It is as if puberty had not passed.
I have a good diet and practice aerobic sport, I do not go to the gym.
I’m not overweight, just some fat in my abdomen
About 2 years ago I discovered that the problem could be my testosterone levels and I ordered analyzes to the doctor. a seminogram showed that my sperm are healthy.
Blood test:
Testosterona 3.46 ng/ml (2.41 - 8.27)
Testosterona libre 87.58 pg/ml (54.7 - 190.63) Free testosterone
TSH 2.51 µUI/ml (0.35 - 5.50)
LH 2.32 mUI/ml (1.5 - 9.3)
FSH 2.01 mUI/ml (1.4 - 18.1)
T4 libre 1.42 ng /dl (0.78 - 1.80) Free T4
Vitamina D 25-Hidroxi 24.50 ng/ml (Inf. 20) Deficiencia (20 - 30) Insuficiencia (30 - 100) Suficiencia
Vitamina B12 312 pg/ml (221 - 911)
E2 Estradiol 17-Beta 14.88 pg/ml (10 - 52)
Prolactina 9.16 ng/ml (2.1 - 17.7)
SHBG suero (Sex hormone binding globulin) 26.20 nmol/l (13 - 71)
I take the help of the forum.
Do you think I am primary or secondary?
Should I start trt?
What protocol to follow, monotherapy of hcg or classic trt?
I am afraid that with trt my testicles may shrink even more, since they are really small.
I just want to recover the life that I once had, and not pining the days crying depressed and not wanting to get out of bed