Do I Have the Right Idea?

[quote]Growtime wrote:
I guess I wouldn’t know why I’m bothering to lift weights at all.[/quote]
If I can offer a (harsh) reality check, you could also say why are you bothering to lift weights when you’ve seen little actual progress over the last five years.

You dropped about 30 pounds of total bodyweight (seems to be equal parts muscle and fat) but you’ve also lost a bunch of strength. I think you need to set some specific goals and then achieve them. Forget the macho “ain’t gonna be a small-ass pipsqueak” line of thinking. Step back, look at what you want to do and what you’ve done, and see what you need to do next.

What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?

Heads up, this kind of thinking is exactly how permabulkers end up staying kinda-sorta-mostly fat for years and years. If fat loss was “relatively easy”, then you wouldn’t “still have a ton of bodyfat to lose” after three months of dieting.

Saywhatnow? How and why did you get to this point?

Bodypart splits can be fine for sure, but understand that whatever you’ve been doing all these years hasn’t worked. You’ve done some 5/3/1, some DC training, some Westside, 3x5, 5x5, your own programming, and whatever else I missed, and still haven’t ended up in a great place. It’s not just about the training plan.

Why? (And to repeat, what, exactly, did you eat yesterday?)

I don’t think your body would respond well to a “bulk” right now. Decide on some specific long-term goals, break that down into shorter-term goals, and then figure out the smartest steps to get there.