i’m not sure what this feels like, but i eat a ton daily, and am usually severaly stuffed to the point of having a hard time breathing and generally feeling uncomfortable 24/7. the past week when i’ve been burping, my throat will get a massive burning sensation, and so will my chest. it is seriously uncomfortable. my diet is ridiculously clean with protein powder being the most “unclean” thing i eat. is this acid reflux, or something else? btw, i’m only 21.
well, i just threw up big time and it burned like no other down my throat. i don’t know what it is, but it’s really bad. i’m not sure but i don’t think this is supposed to be a part of a clean bulk.
This clean bulk and clean eating in general is it new to you??
I cant remember but im thinking yes. If so then hell yes its going to take your body a while to adapt. If you had been eating the typical persons diet of processed junk and went to a LOT of whole foods your body has No damn clue what its doing.
Its trying to remember how to breakdown Whole fooda that havent essentially been pre digested for it etc… So it will create a ton of extra acid etc to break this food down etc. It will take time for the body to get used to the food.
Hell even Dave Tate said when ever he tried to eat clean he was like allergic to it. It wopuld make him literally puke.
Best of Luck
If it keeps up see a doc,
Although you may be eating ‘clean’, what are you actually eating and drinking every day? This will help people give their opinion on the problem and how to resolve it.
[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
i’m not sure what this feels like, but i eat a ton daily, and am usually severaly stuffed to the point of having a hard time breathing and generally feeling uncomfortable 24/7. the past week when i’ve been burping, my throat will get a massive burning sensation, and so will my chest. it is seriously uncomfortable. my diet is ridiculously clean with protein powder being the most “unclean” thing i eat. is this acid reflux, or something else? btw, i’m only 21.[/quote]
Avoid fat and don’t eat so much at once. It’s possibly some time of infection at the throat. If it’s reflux, you will likely get a bad taste in your mouth. Take antacids - if it stops the pain; stop them. If it comes back - you prob got acid problems, congradulations, now see a doctor to confirm it.
If it does nothing - well, if it’s done nothing and its lasted long enough to trail antacids, then it’s time to see a doctor.
To be honest, your symptoms are too broad to narrow down. Heck, you could be getting angina, or have cancer, or have just some crappy virus.
Give the antacids a trial, and in the end, youll see a doctor anyway. THat is, unless it goes away and doesn’t come back.
[quote]AKA wrote:
relativelyfunguy wrote:
i’m not sure what this feels like, but i eat a ton daily, and am usually severaly stuffed to the point of having a hard time breathing and generally feeling uncomfortable 24/7. the past week when i’ve been burping, my throat will get a massive burning sensation, and so will my chest. it is seriously uncomfortable. my diet is ridiculously clean with protein powder being the most “unclean” thing i eat. is this acid reflux, or something else? btw, i’m only 21.
Avoid fat and don’t eat so much at once. It’s possibly some time of infection at the throat. If it’s reflux, you will likely get a bad taste in your mouth. Take antacids - if it stops the pain; stop them. If it comes back - you prob got acid problems, congradulations, now see a doctor to confirm it.
If it does nothing - well, if it’s done nothing and its lasted long enough to trail antacids, then it’s time to see a doctor.
To be honest, your symptoms are too broad to narrow down. Heck, you could be getting angina, or have cancer, or have just some crappy virus.
Give the antacids a trial, and in the end, youll see a doctor anyway. THat is, unless it goes away and doesn’t come back.[/quote]
It sounds just like gastric reflux, not an infection of the throat. That means his course of action should be to BUILD UP to the amount of food he is attempting to take in daily because he is not giving his body enough time to adapt.
I probably see this more often than anything else in the clinic as long term sufferers from gastric reflux will begin to erode the lingual side of maxillary tooth structure.
If someone has the goal of eating 6 times a day, but have never done so before, jumping from 3 times a day to 6 huge meals a day will no doubt create some form of resistance from their body. That means you start with 4, then 5, then 6 over time.
What your describing sounds like an ulcer.
Ulcers can be formed from stress and other things beside bad diet.
See a doctor. Good luck.
[quote]Lou Garu wrote:
What your describing sounds like an ulcer.
Ulcers can be formed from stress and other things beside bad diet.
See a doctor. Good luck.[/quote]
They are also usually found in the stomach. Finding them in the throat would most often be related to gastric reflux and that doesn’t sound like what he is describing. An ulcer in the throat would cause pain upon swallowing food.
"Ulcers can be formed from stress and other things beside bad diet. "
Usually from H. pylori infections - no causative link exists between psychological stress and ulcers. A nobel prize was awarded to the dudes who discovered this just last year (the prize, not the discovery).
my diet has been consistently the same for the past 2 weeks straight, as i decided 2 weeks ago to go on a 2 month stint of eating no form of cheat foods whatsoever. Before, I would allow myself 2-3 cheat meals a week, generally only 1-2 that were actually considered bad (like wings). I’m not sure why this sudden onset of eating clean 100% of the time though would cause this.
I have been bulking for about 10 months or so, close to this intensity, so I’m not sure why it’s giving this to me now.
I’m thinking, thought not pinpointing, that it generally feels worst after eating hamburger steak with organic ketchup. I can really feel that afterwards when I burp. Last night when I threw up it was all ketchup, and it really didn’t feel good. Not saying it’s the ketchup that is doing it though, because I felt bad before that meal in the day anyways.
Finally, when I wake up is the time that I feel best, cuz I can burp without feeling anything bad, which makes me wonder if I was just a bit too aggressive in my bulk the past 2 weeks, making it hard for my body to hold all the food in (i think the scale read that i gained about 4 lbs just last week from 175 to 179).
my diet has been this the past 2 weeks with no alterations really (turns out to feel like a whole lot more than I was eating before to gain about a pound a week or a little less)…
meal 1
1 cup milk
1 scoop whey
1 banana
1 cup oats
1 Carbolin 19
1 multivitamin
meal 2
2 cups milk
1 scoop whey
1 apple
1 serving natural pb
meal 3
1 cup oats
pwo shake:
20g dextrose
40g malto
30g whey
meal 5
2 servings whole wheat pasta
8-10 oz grilled chicken
2 servings salsa on top
2 cups milk
1 Carbolin 19
1 can tuna (or hamburger steak and ketchup)
2 servings natural pb
1 serving greens+
10 egg whites
2 servings olive oil
1 serving flax oil
3 ZMA caps
2 servings cottage cheese
2 cups fat free milk
1 serving olive oil
1 serving fish oil
4,368 cals
Try drinking a bit of milk with each meal, and cut back on coffee if you drink it. Also, try taking a calcium pill each morning.
the only liquid thing i drink is water, and milk.
I get this too. Try eating a lot more vegetables. I strongly recommend reading up on Berardi and how he discusses acid and acid neutralizing foods.
acid reflux is a bullshit diagnosis like IBS. You don’t want to fuck around with anti acids. Acid is a cherished element of your digestion.
It has been found the so called acid reflux is closer related to elevated insulin levels. Than this bullshit diagnosis that every doctor loves to treat with pills that will screw your digestion up forever.
[quote]Shiggy wrote:
I get this too. Try eating a lot more vegetables. I strongly recommend reading up on Berardi and how he discusses acid and acid neutralizing foods. [/quote]
Stomach acid has NOTHING to do with acidic foods. Acid foods are foods that leave an acid ash and effects the cellular level not the stomach!
[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:
Shiggy wrote:
I get this too. Try eating a lot more vegetables. I strongly recommend reading up on Berardi and how he discusses acid and acid neutralizing foods.
Stomach acid has NOTHING to do with acidic foods. Acid foods are foods that leave an acid ash and effects the cellular level not the stomach![/quote]
what would you suggest it is then? starting around 1 today, when i would burp, i’d get the burning feeling going on in my throat, and if i make a big enough effort to get a big burp out and really push, some food comes up. i don’t see how i’m supposed to be able to burp when if i eat anything it makes me feel like i’m gona burp it up when i do burp.
[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:
acid reflux is a bullshit diagnosis like IBS. You don’t want to fuck around with anti acids. Acid is a cherished element of your digestion.
It has been found the so called acid reflux is closer related to elevated insulin levels. Than this bullshit diagnosis that every doctor loves to treat with pills that will screw your digestion up forever.[/quote]
Acid reflux is a bullshit diagnosis? I saw at least two patients today with damaged oral tissue due to acid reflux. I will have to let them know it is all a figment of their imagination. I don’t think the OP needs antacid tablets at all. I think he needs to plan his meals better and allow his body more time to adapt to what he is eating.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Shortest Straw wrote:
acid reflux is a bullshit diagnosis like IBS. You don’t want to fuck around with anti acids. Acid is a cherished element of your digestion.
It has been found the so called acid reflux is closer related to elevated insulin levels. Than this bullshit diagnosis that every doctor loves to treat with pills that will screw your digestion up forever.
Acid reflux is a bullshit diagnosis? I saw at least two patients today with damaged oral tissue due to acid reflux. I will have to let them know it is all a figment of their imagination. I don’t think the OP needs antacid tablets at all. I think he needs to plan his meals better and allow his body more time to adapt to what he is eating.[/quote]
Thank you professorx. I think it’ great that people want to be healthy, and manage their own health and even look at alternatives to ‘conventional’ medicine. But people, there are real conditions out there that doctors and drugs actually do help.
It certainly sounds like acid reflux to me. Anatomically speaking, acid reflux happens when the contents of the stomach squeeze up through the sphincter and back into the oesophagus. There are a few factors which can contribute, including pressure on the stomach - such as that which occurs when consuming a large meal, being heavily obese, or combining these with bending over…
Basically, this creates enough pressure in the stomach to overcome the strength of the muscle which is supposed to keep the contents in, which causes the “spillage” and the resulting burning sensation is caused by having gastric juices where they’re not supposed to be.
Although some foods (ketchup, OJ) can make it worse, I’d say it’s your constant filling of the stomach to an uncomfortable point which is contributing to the problem… You are aiming at fatiguing muscles like your biceps & quads, not your poor little sphincter!! The guys are right, start changes gradually, try & eat even more often (if possible) so you can make the meals smaller.
In any event, increase their size gradually. You can stretch your stomach over time, at which point you’ll be able to fit more in without overloading your gastric muscles, but give it some time to adjust.