Dirty Bulk Primo and Test Advice?

Did my first competition this year September 23rd weighed in at 182lbs 5’10" show day cycle was 10 weeks broke down to 350mg test first week and 500mg for the remaining 9 weeks with 1mg anastrozole weekly

then cruise back to TRT dose at 140mg all injections were split Wednesday and Saturdays.
My current weight height is 197lbs 5’10" 11-12% body fat.
Wanting to put on at least 20lbs for next year’s competition looking at primo enanthate 400mg and test 400mg with 1mg anastrozole for 12 weeks

Any advice would be appreciated.

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IMO if you want to dirty bulk i would use test, deca and dbol. Primo is good for slow, steady lean gains.


Agree with @s.gentz. The cycle you listed will be very uninspiring.


I think this is a huge ask to add 20lbs of stage weight in a year especially since physique does not require you to train the biggest muscles on your body. I would shoot for 8-10lbs of stage weight.


What exactly does a “dirty bulk” mean today? My guess is that is a high calorie diet with no regards to the quality of the food, that is, processed carbohydrates and sugar are fine.

I can see a splurge on junk food post contest of maybe a few days. But I would never recommend a diet that consists of processed foods to achieve weight gain. A clean diet is always superior.


That is also my interpretation and the reason for my cycle recommendation. I think if you want size that is the way to go regardless of what types of food you are eating. As long as you are eating to grow.
If you want slow gains and to keep lean IMO primo/EQ is the answer with a clean diet.

I was looking at the primo stack due to the low effects on liver toxicity.
I am not expecting 20lbs stage weight in a year. Goal is 220lbs cut to 195lbs show day would be 13 pounds over this year. By dirty bulk only thing I’m tracking is protein 1.5x body weight and double carbs to body weight aim for 1 pound to 2 per week l. I don’t have a problem cutting high metabolic rate I shed and trim fast. Dirty bulk is much more cost effective as well for me.

Rt_nomad clean bulk is superior if you can afford the food to calories needed to stack on the mass I’m at 6k daily intake currently on a clean bulk that grocery bill is heavy and I don’t care to stay trim all year long

If you are planning to compete in bodybuilding, IMO it seems foolish to put your insulin sensitivity at risk eating junk food, I don’t care what AAS you are taking. I don’t see it necessary for anyone wanting to compete needing to resort to junk food to get to 15% body fat.

If you are not dropping to get to 15% body fat, 15% body fat is sufficiently anabolic to gain muscle.


I stay under 14% even when dirty bulking due to my job, exercise,and body type.
If I may ask what is your current height weight bulk to show?

If you are going to run adex anyways, why not just run 800 mg of Test. Probably better gains, less money to do it. If you are off season anyways and don’t need to look dry, I don’t see much benefit to the primo at such a low dose. I’d think running Test at a more effective dose would be better. Plus you already know how you respond to Test.

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My competitive days are way in the rear view mirror.
But back in the day, I trained at just over 240lbs off season and competed at 218lbs (Just shy of 6ft)


100% agree

Running 800mg test is pointless if you respond just as well to a lower dose and just causes more liver toxicity along with primo doesn’t convert to dht and run estrogen out of range to far

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Takes time for sure don’t see pics but I’ll take your word for it. We all want more mass and definition hard to eat clean on a limited budget

I’ll disagree with that statement but it’s def hard to get the cals in if your eating over 5000. Ground Turkey and rice/potato is cheap. I’m currently taking in around 4000 super clean and it’s tough to get in.

In the ranges we are talking about, this doesn’t happen. 800 mg Test isn’t twice the gains, but it is significantly more.

It is a DHT derivative, so it will have DHT like effects on things like your hair line / density and prostate. Yes, it doesn’t convert, but it behaves like DHT in certain tissues. Test with a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor will generally be the easiest on things like your prostate and hair.

Estrogen does not have a linear response to testosterone levels. It is more logarithmic curve, where most of the estrogen increase will happen early on as testosterone increases. Going from 400 mg/wk to 800 mg/wk might only result in a small increase in estrogen since at 400 mg/wk, aromatase activity is close to maxed out for most guys.

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Well let me know how that works for you :+1: and we will agree to disagree

That is fine. Lot’s of people have different approaches. I like running Test high and using a 5 AR inhibitor and if necessary an AI and avoid almost everything else. I do this mostly to preserve my full head of hair. Many don’t care about that, so my approach may not make much sense to those. I also don’t compete in BBing. I’ve competed in strength sports, and there things are generally simpler. Lots of Test works quite well in powerlifting for example.

Fair enough.

The photo below was taken by Doris Barrilleaux at the 1992 NPC Master’s Nationals. I placed 2nd in the Heavyweight Class.