So I am something of an extremist and think I may be taking my diet a little too far in the protein direction. My lifts have been dropping recently, though admittedly the way I am training is less power oriented at the moment. For example, I used to weigh 165lbs and ramp up to 8 reps with 225/265/285 on Bench, squat and deadlift, respectively.
Now I am down to 140-145lbs and yesterday couldn’t finish 3x10 on bench with 185#, 225# on squats or 260# on deadlift. **** that.
I have been using fitday to track my diet for the past few weeks and eating zero processed foods, with the exception of cheese. My caloric load breaks down to being 12% carbs, 50% protein, 38% fat at around 2500 calories total (over 300g protein per day). I train a lot, 5+ times/week, and vary my routine and activites but make sure to hit one of the big lifts every session.
I have heard/read vague statements that the “low carb” diet is not as effective with excess caloric load from protein, as protein may be converted to glucose, effectively negating the whole point. So basically, I am wondering if I should eat more fat? I’m afraid my body will degenerate further as I have conditioned it to burn so much protein as fuel? AHHH I’m scared. Any thoughts, especially from nutrition experts/trainers would be much appreciated.