Did You Vote?

Don’t care who you voted for all I care about is if you did. 7:00am I was in Roslindale waiting in a long line, in fact it was the longest I can remember since I could vote. Also my dad who passed in September was still on the roll and I fixed that right away so that made me feel good. Anyway happy election day

Thanks for the ass.

And I am going to be honest. If your planning to vote for obama, stay home and stay warm, no need to trouble yourself. I can’t take 4 more years of that crap.

Now I am not a romney fan, I am firing obama, and yes I think Romney would actually do a better job. I think my dog would do a better job.

Never filled in an oval faster.

Felt good, you know, to vote for people that love America.

Scott Brown baby. Beat back chief Marx-ah-watha

WTF mate, I didn’t get a sticker, but I voted early soo :frowning:

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Never filled in an oval faster.

Felt good, you know, to vote for people that love America.

Scott Brown baby. Beat back chief Marx-ah-watha[/quote]

I was there really it was packed any dem running unopposed I filled in daffy duck. What are the laws for the sign carriers outside? How far away are they supposed to be? Yes I voted against marijuana it was revenge against all the pot heads voting to shut down the race tracks in Ma that resulted in 10000+ jobs lost igits

Gonna vote later, with my nuts in my hand, with a big happy :slight_smile: for my dog R-Money.

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
WTF mate, I didn’t get a sticker, but I voted early soo :([/quote]

My boss and coworker said the same thing. They where right next to lady who checked off that I was turning in my ballot.

[quote]kevinm1 wrote:
Yes I voted against marijuana it was revenge against all the pot heads voting to shut down the race tracks in Ma that resulted in 10000+ jobs lost igits[/quote]

I also voted against weed, even though I would prefer it be decriminalized and here is why:

I’ve been following this election for many a moon, adn lately all the bandwagon kiddos on my facebook have been pushing their views hard.

There is one kid, without a doubt, the least informed voter I’ve ever seen. Constantly posting about how he can’t find a job, this that the other, he is broke, economy sucks. Then posts how Obama is the only choice and Romney would ruin the world… Facepalm, I know.

So he is a total stoner. “Yes on 3” all over the place. This morning as I’m waiting in line, prepared to vote yes, he posts something along the lines of “I’m so tired of my life, nothing goes my way, can’t get a job, time to clean house and change my life”. Not bad right, well 10 mins later: “anyone want to go for a bone cruise. Obama2012”.

Just to spite this ass who can’t get his one life in order, I voted agaisnt it.

I also voted no on #2, but I’m so torn on that issue I would regret my vote either way.

Voted for Gary Johnson via absentee ballot. Want to fire Obama like everyone else, but can’t stand replacing him with the same flavor of big government that Romney is. Same healthcare, more defense spending, keeping the Patriot Act, no real plan for tax reform, etc. Replacing a big government guy like Obama with a big government guy like Romney seems a little stupid to me. Instead of writing in Ron Paul I just voted Johnson.

Yeah my vote doesn’t matter, he won’t win, blah blah blah. I just couldn’t stand to have 3 years from now when Romney is the exact same as Obama say I had a part in that.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]kevinm1 wrote:
Yes I voted against marijuana it was revenge against all the pot heads voting to shut down the race tracks in Ma that resulted in 10000+ jobs lost igits[/quote]

I also voted against weed, even though I would prefer it be decriminalized and here is why:

I’ve been following this election for many a moon, adn lately all the bandwagon kiddos on my facebook have been pushing their views hard.

There is one kid, without a doubt, the least informed voter I’ve ever seen. Constantly posting about how he can’t find a job, this that the other, he is broke, economy sucks. Then posts how Obama is the only choice and Romney would ruin the world… Facepalm, I know.

So he is a total stoner. “Yes on 3” all over the place. This morning as I’m waiting in line, prepared to vote yes, he posts something along the lines of “I’m so tired of my life, nothing goes my way, can’t get a job, time to clean house and change my life”. Not bad right, well 10 mins later: “anyone want to go for a bone cruise. Obama2012”.

Just to spite this ass who can’t get his one life in order, I voted agaisnt it.

I also voted no on #2, but I’m so torn on that issue I would regret my vote either way.[/quote]

That’s exactly why I voted no on 3 I also voted no on two and that was tough but from what I’ve read they just give the meds to the patients the doctor does not supervise and the patient goes home to self administer, what if a family member finds them? Or if thwy change their mind and a child finds the meds? I had to make the decision to allow my mother to die and I would never want anyone to ever have to make that choice it sucked and I still have issues because of it

[quote]H factor wrote:
Voted for Gary Johnson via absentee ballot. Want to fire Obama like everyone else, but can’t stand replacing him with the same flavor of big government that Romney is. Same healthcare, more defense spending, keeping the Patriot Act, no real plan for tax reform, etc. Replacing a big government guy like Obama with a big government guy like Romney seems a little stupid to me. Instead of writing in Ron Paul I just voted Johnson.

Yeah my vote doesn’t matter, he won’t win, blah blah blah. I just couldn’t stand to have 3 years from now when Romney is the exact same as Obama say I had a part in that. [/quote]

That’s fine YOU exercised your right to vote, I refused to vote for anyone unopposed so I wrote in daffy duck when a person did not have an opponent

I asked this in another thread but never got answered. I moved 2 years ago and never chnaged my address on my DL, is it still possible to vote? Thanks in advance!

[quote]stefan128 wrote:
I asked this in another thread but never got answered. I moved 2 years ago and never chnaged my address on my DL, is it still possible to vote? Thanks in advance! [/quote]

I know in MA yes you can, you will need an ID though :wink:

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]stefan128 wrote:
I asked this in another thread but never got answered. I moved 2 years ago and never chnaged my address on my DL, is it still possible to vote? Thanks in advance! [/quote]

I know in MA yes you can, you will need an ID though :wink:



Yup-7 am

Found the fact that both parties could set up tables and hand out “Example Rep/Dem” ballot sheets basically showing people how to vote a straight ticket sickening. Also don’t like political signs being right outside-if I had my way there would be a 200 yd DMZ around polling centers.

Is that today?

My polling station hardly had anyone there. One other person and I were there to vote. Not like 2008 when there was a line out the door at 10:30am.

[quote]Rocky101 wrote:
My polling station hardly had anyone there. One other person and I were there to vote. Not like 2008 when there was a line out the door at 10:30am.[/quote]

Yes to the topic.

Any idea who your county went for last time? Solid blue or red? Swingish?

[quote]CornSprint wrote:
Yup-7 am

Found the fact that both parties could set up tables and hand out “Example Rep/Dem” ballot sheets basically showing people how to vote a straight ticket sickening. Also don’t like political signs being right outside-if I had my way there would be a 200 yd DMZ around polling centers.[/quote]

That annoyed me as well, I had an occupooper try to hand me his propaganda right outside my polling station, amd yes if a republican did the same I would be just as annoyed

[quote]Rocky101 wrote:
My polling station hardly had anyone there. One other person and I were there to vote. Not like 2008 when there was a line out the door at 10:30am.[/quote]

A good sign that the voters are not going to be duped.