Dhickey's Training Log

Friday July 11 - ME Lower

Warm up
Elliptical for a few minutes
Box Jumps

DL - All sets with 12" Strong bands (25lbs @ bottom, 160lbs @ top)
Bar x 10
135 x 4
185 x 2
225 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1

Pulling against bands sucks. Way harder to hang on to as well. I am going to keep doing it because my pulls are incredibly slow. I am going to cycle band tension working from the heaviest 12" band down. I will keep the total weight at the top the same. As the bands get lighter the straight weight will increase thus up the weight at the bottom. Once I get 455 straight weight I am going to start over with the total at the top being 495.

These get alternated with box squats so probably 3 months before I get to 455 with straight weight. My goal is 545 by next Feb. for the USAPL meet in MN. I am not making the progress on these that I am on squat and BP so this is going to be a stretch but might as well aim high. I would be OK with 495 and that is probably more realistic.

Olympic squats - Safety Squat Bar. Ave Bands on all sets. 140Lbs.
Bar x 5
135 x 3
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 - 2 sets of 3
245 - 1 set of 4

I really like these. I am almost thinking about making these my competition squat. Maybe I will start cycling these like my box squats and see what progresses faster? I am going to stay with the SSB for now.

Back Raises - With DB doing rev fly. Superset with SU’s
25s x 3
25s x 4
25s x 4

Straight Leg Situps - Incline bench
35lbs - 1 set of 3
35lbs - 2 sets of 4

Monday July 14 - ME Upper


Missed 2nd rep about half way up on last set. 1st rep felt light. Not sure if it’s because I’m still hung over or because I need more delt work. I probably could have gotten two more singles but I feel like shit and just want to get through this workout.

Incline GC Bench - All Sets with Average Bands (60lbs @ Bot, 120lbs @ top)
Bar x 8
85 x 4
135 x 7

Chest Supported Rows
100 x 10
150 - 4 sets of 2
150 - 4 sets of 3

DB Tri Ext/Press - Superset wit H-Rolls
60s - 2 sets of 7
60s - 1 set of 8

H-Rolls - 30deg Incline
25s - 2 sets of 7
25s - 1 set of 8

Tuesday July 15 - Off
Wednesday July 16 - Off
Thursday July 17 - Off

Friday July 18 - ME Lower

Warm up
Elliptical for a few minutes
Box Jumps

Box Squat - Little below parallel w/4" Camber bar. All sets with Strong bands (80lbs @ Bot, 160lbs @ top)
Bar x 8
135 x 4
185 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 2 - 325 @ Bot, 405 @ Top - 8 sets of 2

This felt pretty light so I decided to make it a DE type event. Next week bar weight goes up and band tension goes down.

RDL - Trap Bar
135 x 6
225 x 6
275 x 6

Go up to 315 next week.

Straight Leg Sit-ups - Incline bench
BW x 6
35lbs - 3 sets of 4

KB Swings
70lbs - 4 sets of 12

Still haven’t bought heavier KB’s.

Saturday July 19 - ME Upper

6" Roller Press - All sets done with Ave bands (260lbs @ Top)
Bar x 8
85 x 2
105 x 5

Couple of things. I think a 6" Roller is too much. Same as a 4 board press and I really don’t get much ROM. I was planning on cycling 6, 4, 2, 0 inch hard form. I think I need to switch this to 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.
Also, Average bands are too much. The bar is jerking all over and I going to hurt myself. I am going to keep 365 at the top but use light bands and more bar weight.

DB Press - All Sets with Light Bands (15lbs @ Bot, 40lbs @ top, each side)
Bands x 8
25s x 8
45s x 6
60s x 6

I love these. I used 20" bands attached to DB’s at the floor and on my power hooks that also carry the DB’s I’m pressing. The bands are anchored wider than shoulder width so it really hits my pecs and front delts. I need heavier DB’s.

Chest Supported Rows
100 x 10
150 - 3 sets of 2
150 - 5 sets of 3

DB Tri Ext/Press - Superset wit H-Rolls
60s - 1 set of 7
60s - 2 sets of 8

H-Rolls - 30deg Incline
25s - 1 set of 7
25s - 2 sets of 8

Sunday July 20 - off

Monday July 21 - ME Lower

Warm up
Elliptical for a few minutes
Box Jumps

DL - All sets with 12" Ave bands (20lbs @ bottom, 140lbs @ top)
135 x 4
185 x 2
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 - 5 sets of 1

Had to cut it short today expectingly.

Tuesday July 22 - ME Upper

Bench w/Bands - All sets done with Ave bands (130lbs @ bot, 260lbs @ Top)
Bar x 3
85 - 6 sets of 2

Incl CG - All Sets with Strong Bands (110lbs @ Bot, 170lbs @ top)
Bar x 5
135 x 1

Chest Supported Rows
100 x 10
150 - 2 sets of 2
150 - 6 sets of 3

DB Tri Ext/Press - Superset wit H-Rolls
60s - 3 sets of 8

H-Rolls - 30deg Incline
25s - 3 sets of 8

Had to rush it today to get out the door. Much more intense with limited time.

Wednesday July 23 - ME Lower

Box Squat - below parallel w/4" Camber bar. All sets with Ave bands (50lbs @ Bot, 130lbs @ top)
Bar x 8
135 x 4
185 x 2
225 x 1
275 x 6 - 325 @ Bot, 405 @ Top

Next week more weight less band tension.

RDL - Trap Bar
135 x 8
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 3

Get 315 x 4 next week

Straight Leg Sit-ups - Incline bench
BW x 6
35lbs - 2 sets of 4
35lbs - 1 set of 3 - tried the 4th rep twice but couldn’t get it. I wanted to do 5.

Next lower day 3 x 4.

Thrusday July 24 - Travel
Friday July 25 - Travel

Saturday July 26 - ME Upper

Bench w/Bands - All sets done with Mmini+mini bands (100lbs @ bot, 210lbs @ Top)
Bar x 5
85 x 5
135 x 4 - 235 bot, 345 top

Next week less band more weight.

Incline Bench
135 x 6
225 x 6

Cut short.

Sunday July 27 - ME Lower

DL - All sets with 12" Light bands (15lbs @ bottom, 130lbs @ top)
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
325 - 2 sets of 1

Olympic squats - Safety Squat Bar. Strong Bands on all sets. (70Lbs @ bot, 200lbs @ top)
Bar x 5
135 x 3
185 x 6

Next week more weight and less band tension.

Back Raises - With DB doing rev fly. Superset with SU’s
BW x 6
25s - 3 sets of 4

Straight Leg Situps - Incline bench
35lbs - 3 sets of 4

Tuesday July 29 - Bench

Warm-up - “Inside Out” mobility work

Bench - All reps done with pause at bottom
Bar x 20
135 x 10
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 - RP 4,2,1

I think I’ll skip doing RP on the Primary movements. I would rather have more quality reps.

DB Tricep Ext. - Westside Style
45s x 6
65s - RP 4,3,2

KB Military Press - Single KB upside down

44 x 8
71 x RP 16, 5, 1
Need heavier KB

Halos with KB

25 x 10
35 x 10
42 x 10


I am going to start implementing rest pause sets to shorten my workouts a bit and add some intensity. All sets to failure. 30 sec between sets.

Wednesday July 30 - Off. Just some mobility stuff.

Thursday July 31 - DL

135 x 10
185 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x1
365 x1 - felt faster than usual
405 x 1 - This felt heavy. Need to pull from the floor more.

Reverse Hypers
40 x 10
60 - 2 sets of 10

Chest Supported Rows
100 x 10
150 - RP 6,2 - Need to drop the weight a bit.

Standing Crunch
Bands x 12
+50lbs - 3 sets of 12

Kept volume relatively low so I can squat in 2 days.

Friday August 1 - Off

Saturday August 2 - Bench

Warm-up - “Inside Out” mobility work

Bench w/ Bands - All sets done with Mmini bands ( 60lbs @ bot, 130lbs @ top)
Bar x 12
135 x 6
185 x 4
210 - 4,4,3

DB Press - All sets done with Ave bands ( 10lbs @ bot, 25lbs @ top - each)
45s x 8
55s x 6
65s - 6,6,6

Next time to RP on these

DB Military
45s x 8
55 - 8,8,8

Seated DB Clean
20s - 10,10,10

Sunday August 3 - DE Squat/DL

Speed Squat - All sets done with Average bands (50lbs @ Bot, 130lbs @ Top)
Bar x 8
135 x 4
185 - 8 sets of 2

Speed DL - All sets done with 12" Light Bands (15lbs @ bot, 130lbs @ top)
Bar x 8
135 x 4
185 x 1
205 - 10 sets of 1

Lying Leg Raises
2 sets of 20

Monday August 4 - Off. Had baby girl.

Tuesday August 5 - DE Bench

Warm-up - “Inside Out” mobility work

Bench w/ Bands - All sets done with Mmini bands ( 60lbs @ bot, 130lbs @ top)
Bar x 12
135 x 6
145 - 3 sets of 3 - Narrow Grip
145 - 3 sets of 3 - Medium Grip
145 - 3 sets of 3 - Wide grip

Tate Press
55s x 8
65s - 3 sets of 15

Reverse Grip Lat PD with Bands - 12" Mmini - unsure on band tension
Bands x 10
50 - 3 sets of 10

Upside down KB Military
25s - 3 sets of 15