I will be running nolva at 10mgE/d starting week 3 to avoid any gyno possabilities.
My original cycle was only Eq and Var, and after much reassurance from vets, I realize having test in the mix(even low dose) will make a HYUUUGE difference.
With a high dose of EQ like that your blood hematocrit levels could get pretty high which is not a good thing. One option to look into to combat this is taking an advil a day to thin the blood. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!
dump that week 2 var and place it in week 7. keep the dosages even throughout at 30 mg ED, 40 mg ED would be better, but 30 will work. have you considered a d-bol jumpstart? i’d recommend it. 25 mg ED for the first 3-4 weeks would be just fine, and won’t cost much. at that low test dose the nolva may not even be necessary, but stick with it if you wish…definately if you have a d-bol jump.
[quote]Moriarty wrote:
I just don’t like this cycle very much at all, but it’s your body.
If your info is correct and your 5’11" 185 lbs, why are you thinking about using AAS at this point?[/quote]
Yes your right it is my body, and I appreciate your input and your concern. I honestly think I will achieve good results from this cycle as it is my first. Just curious, what do you not “like very much at all” about this?
[quote]Dezz wrote:
Wtf does my height and weight have to do with it?
The importance of your height and weight is fairly simple: you could easily gain as much weight as you’re going to gain from this cycle without the steriods. Your inability to add more mass naturally in 5 years of training (according to your stats) suggests that you may not have your diet and workout regimen nailed down enough to keep your gains.
Also consider that every time you run a cycle you run a risk of permanently damaging your body. For some people that have maxed out their genetic potential, it’s worth that small risk to take their bodies to the next level. For many of us it seems stupid to take that risk for gains that could be attained naturally. You will experience negative side-effects using these chemicals.
[quote]Dezz wrote:
Moriarty wrote:
I just don’t like this cycle very much at all, but it’s your body.
If your info is correct and your 5’11" 185 lbs, why are you thinking about using AAS at this point?
Yes your right it is my body, and I appreciate your input and your concern. I honestly think I will achieve good results from this cycle as it is my first. Just curious, what do you not “like very much at all” about this?
I still don’t even know what your goals are; I generally don’t like any cycle that isn’t accompanied by clearly stated goals. Personally, I wouldn’t run test at anything less than 400-500mg/week. At your dosage the test is just a waste of money, IMO. I don’t see any rhyme or reason as to why you’re combining these compounds in this way. It feels like one of those “what I could get my hands on at the moment” cycles. Can you define your goals and describe clearly why these exact compounds and dosages are the best way to meet those goals?